
Fitting into me…

Age has given me what I was looking for my entire life – it has given me me . It has provided time and experience and failures and triumphs and time-tested friends who have helped me step into the shape that was waiting for me. I fit into me now. I have an organic life, finally, not necessarily the one people imagined for me, or tried to get me to have. I have the life I longed for. I have become the woman I hardly dared imagine I would be.

Anne Lamott, Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith

Yesterday afternoon we reached a lovely 46 degrees, were basking in warm sunshine and blue skies. Then within about four hours we were at 18 degrees, inundated with cloudy skies and a wind blowing at 11 mph. This morning isn’t much warmer. We don’t have the wind, but we have clear skies, sunshine but single digits. As I write this post I see we reached 22 degrees. Woo-hoo!!

I like her idea of stepping into the shape that’s waiting for me. I have used the phrase “becoming who I was created to be” but I like this “fitting in to me” metaphor. So fair warning, I’ll probably be using both. I also like her use of organic as a way of life.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • geri oster

    Thank you, Monte and Anne Lamott for describing this journey that I have been earnestly and consciously embarking on all of my life. This helps me to feel a little less aimless in my pursuit of wholeness. The metaphor is a most helpful aid and a guide for me as I seek to follow The Creator on this journey of discovery. And what a lovely, tranquil street scene. The red traffic lights reminding me to stop, pause, breathe! I assume it is by the college? Blessings.

    • Monte Stevens

      I never noticed the stop lights as a metaphor to pause and breathe. Well seen my friend. Some writers seem to say in words what I cam not able to articulate. That is the reason I need to read. Hope you are staying warm. we are cloudy and overcast today but had a brilliant red sunrise.