clouds,  horizons,  landscape

A Silver Lining

Restless at home yesterday I decided to drive to Weld County along County Roads 13 and 15. The skies were abundant with clouds. Darker clouds hung on the eastern horizon where rain was falling. Clouds in the west were displaying their silver lining as the sun set behind them. And the wind blew, reshaping clouds, and creating new works of art to enjoy. The wind also playfully rolled tumbleweeds across the open fields and roads. A hawk circled above searching for its next meal. Hundreds of Canada Geese flew in formation as they made their way to the fields for the night. I was blessed to see my first meadowlark of this year and had a second one sing its love song for me. I was glad I made the drive. I like how the irrigation system adds a leading line into the promising horizon.

Silver lined clouds

This morning we have overcast skies and a mix of light rain/snow. The rain is refreshing, but the dull gray skies do not compare to the artistry of yesterday’s sky. I have a relaxing day ahead. Need to send a couple of emails and binge on chocolate. Just kidding on the chocolate!!! 😂 May you enjoy your day!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.