clouds,  landscape,  sunrises

The Silo

Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your teacher.

William Wordsworth

Drove to Windsor this morning to meet Eric for coffee and conversation. Always a good way to start my Saturday. The dark clouds overhead seemed ready to burst with rain at any time. There was a break along the eastern horizon and seemed to suggest I needed to stop. I watched the sun slowly rise, wanting to play hide and seek behind the clouds. The sun’s radiance causes a silhouette of the silo on the distant sheep farm. I intentionally underexposed to reduce the sun’s brightness and to add a mysterious feel. I like how it turned out. Rain is expected throughout the morning along with high winds of 35-55 mph and gusts up to 75 mph. Looks like it will be a “hang on to your hat” and “put the patio furniture away” kinda day. Enjoy your Saturday!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      I think the tree trimmers are going to be busy over the next few days. It howled and howled yesterday and last night. Much calmer this morning but the watch is still in affect. Have a wonderful Sunday!