Canon Powershot G12,  Plants,  trees

Leaning Tree

Leaning Tree

It feels strange and awkward to sit here in front of my laptop with an intent to write. I’ve just not had any inclination to post thoughts, ideas or images. The desire to log on to anything just hasn’t has not been there so the computer has sat dormant a lot. This has been good as I’ve felt controlled by the need to post, write and all of your blogs. Forcing myself will not cut the mustard.

I have been on the go a lot lately. Seems like I come home do my laundry then always pack my clean underwear back in my roller-board for the next trip. Never use my dresser any more. The reality is I have not had a dresser since I moved back out here.

Anyway here is a shot from our hotel in San Francisco looking out over the Bay. You can faintly see an airplane coming in for a landing where the horizon meets the leaning tree.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Paul

    As one who has been on the go a lot recently, I understand your lack of desire. I think that, for me, all of the travel takes a toll. It does, however, give me lots of ideas for posts, but precious little energy to do them. I rather feel like that tree, sometimes.

    • Monte Stevens

      I am aware of the enjoyment of shooting an image as well as the creative aspects of sitting at the computer, working on images and writing. And, yes you have been on the go a lot lately and in one of your latest post needing to just “go”.