
Simple Lamp

A Lamp

Available to all photographers free is the one light source given by a window which faces the north. It’s a painterly light that any face or still life comes alive in. 

Garry Camp Burdick

I love the light whether it’s morning light or evening light and everything in between. There is something about seeing window light as it fills up a room, bouncing light off of back walls mirrors, curtains, bedding. Hotel rooms and lobbies can offer some interesting light so I’m always looking for those times.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Monte, I can remember on travels thinking as entering a hotel lobby of wonderful lighting opportunities. I didn’t always have a camera available but I certainly composed a few images in my head.

    I believe warmth with natural lighting is a main consideration in designing hotels these days.

    Interesting wall pattern behind this lamp.

    • Monte Stevens

      It is a textured wall and enhanced by using Topaz Adjust. I agree hotel lobbies and rooms are designed to being the light. One of the best hotels I’ve encountered is the one at the Montreal airport. The lobby is almost all windows on two full sides.