Art,  Family,  Woodcarving

Dad's Hands

Dad’s Swan

I remember the first time I really noticed my dad’s hands. I’m not sure if he was holding me or if I was just sitting beside him. Their size was impressive as I was young at the time. I remember touching them and noticed how the wrinkles of age had begun to appear. They had worked hard for many years and they still do. My father learned from experience how to use his hands. He used them to work for a paycheck that provided shelter and food for his family. He used them to repair cars, repair and also build a house, make a toy gun from a piece of wood, plant and harvest a garden. He also used them to discipline his children. I remember the last time I felt the well deserved impact of his hands on my posterior. Later in life he would surprise me by using them to create wood carvings like the one you see above.

A few years back I looked down and realized my hands were starting to look like his. I’m proud of that. My hands are not identical to his nor do they not have the same strength, talents or gifts as his but they have his imprint on them. Today is my dad’s 80th birthday. He still walks everyday and stays in very good physical condition. He’s also pretty sharp between the ears, too! I love you, dad, because of your strengths and your weaknesses and because you have shared your hands with me.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Ruth Calkin

    I wish you father a Happy Birthday and wonderful year. As I have always said, he holds so much talent in his hands and mind to create those beautiful wood carvings. Does he sell them? He truly has a gift from God!!!!!

  • Opa Wayne

    Sorry I didn’t check this sooner so I could wish your dad a happy birthday. Next time you contact him give him my regards anyway – I haven’t met him, but I know him as I know you. Wonderful carving. He has great talent that he passed to you. His hands carve beautiful images, while your eye sees images in life that most of us pass on by.