Canon Powershot G12,  Documentary/Street

Cancelled Flights


I am always witnessing people waiting at the airport. Some are planned waits such as connecting flights and some are not. When this image was taken we were waiting on our plane which did not arrive until early the next morning therefore canceling the flight.  It’s times like this we have opportunities to learn about waiting that Earls talking about here. For me waiting while I watch the sun to rise or set is easier than waiting for a late plane. Sigh!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Paul

    Waiting for plane delays can be taxing, but if you have a camera with you, which you always seem to, it can be a reason to explore a bit more. This shot portrays that ‘something to do’ while waiting.

    • Monte Stevens

      People watching, I’ve always enjoyed that. This work I do allows me to study peoples reactions to situations and other people. You also are a people watcher. 🙂

  • Tom Dills

    I think it’s easier to wait for a sunrise or sunset because the sun is always on time.

    Nice photo. It hints at the feeling of a late night in the airport. Maybe more than a hint.

    • Monte Stevens

      So right, Tom. Unless the world ends we will always see it or on a cloudy day see the effects of its light. And, a late night it was, somewhere around 11:00 PM.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Earl! I’ve noticed many of the airports have put in benches with armrests in order to curtail people from sleeping on them. They just curl up on the floor.