• clouds,  landscape,  Plants,  storm clouds,  trees

    Stop and Look

    Storm clouds on the open plains yesterday

    Storm clouds are a reminder of how small we are in this world. They remind us that we’re not in charge. They also remind us that we can witness their gift by standing in awe of its power and beauty. But first we have to stop and look.

  • clouds,  consumer,  landscape,  quotes,  storm clouds

    It’s Something We Experience

    This was the scene this morning over Dixon Reservoir at Pineridge Natural area. Meadowlarks, magpies and robins excitedly sang as this new day began.

    “… silence is one of the great victims of modern culture.”

    John O’Donohue, Anam Cara

    I mention silence quite often on this blog because it’s become an integral part of my life. So it isn’t surprising that the above quote has inspired me to write a few words on what it means to say silence is a victim of modern culture.

    I’ve come to believe silence does not mean the absence of sounds or words. I’ve experienced silence in a church and in an open meadow that’s filled with the songs of birds, and even in the chaos of a busy coffee shop. For those who know only the world of sounds or words, silence can seem like an emptiness, uncomfortable, fearful and try to avoid it at any cost. More than one of my spiritual guides suggests that sounds and words have their source in silence. And when I allow myself to be open minded, I have to wonder if silence is something we carry within us, a gift we all are given at our very conception, begging us to embrace it. Maybe it’s something we experience in the ground of our very being. I’ve learned from my practice in quiet prayer, meditation and journaling, that I can have the capacity to detach from a chattering, talkative mind and embrace silence. It’s  in these times I find the expansiveness of silence to be inexhaustibly rich. And, I therefore want more.

    So, I’ve enjoyed contemplating this question that John O’Donohue asks because I know individuals who do not like silence. I will continue to ponder his statement because I’ve also wondered if silence has become a victim that’s been drowned out by a culture obsessed with man made noise, out of control busyness, consumerism and almost total separation from nature? Or, have we turned away from or forgotten the silence already within us? If either of those, or both, are true then we can easily reclaim our silence.

    I apologize if my ramblings do not make sense but I’m going to push the publish button and send it out there. If you have thoughts to share please offer them and give us that insight. Hope you had a great day!

  • Bench,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  seasons,  snow,  storm clouds,  winter scenes

    Happy Earth Day

    These storm clouds were taken last night out on the eastern plains. A rather large storm was raging so I thought I may be able to capture some drama in the clouds and drove out that way.

    The point of living a creative life – rather than just engaging in creative pursuits on occasion – is not merely to produce aesthetically pleasing artifacts, but to bind one’s creative work and living experience as two dimensions of the same life in all its details, always unfolding and evolving in parallel. 

    Guy Tal

    Each of us is a creative soul. Some have tapped into that creativity while some are unaware they have it or deny they have it. As a photographer I see it as a gift to create/capture images that are pleasing, draw out emotions (yours and mine), and show the beauty of nature through photography. And, we all can do that. I really like the word “bind” that Guy Tal uses in his quote. So, as a prayer this morning I would ask for the binding of my creative works with my living experiences.

    A favorite bench at Pineridge Natural Area this morning

    Well Nature decided to share with us a few more snowflakes before officially moving into spring. As you can see the bench I sit on to journal is not quite as inviting this morning. Have a wonderful day and Happy Earth Day! Stay warm.

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes,  storm clouds

    …on the threshold of brilliance

    Storm Clouds along the Front Range

    We have all heard the forlorn refrain “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time!” This phrase has come to stand for the rueful reflection of an idiot, a sign of stupidity, but in fact we should appreciate it as a pillar of wisdom. Any being, any agent, who can truly say, “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time!” is standing on the threshold of brilliance.

    Daniel Dennett

    The skies have been filled with clouds most of the day, beautiful colors, shapes, shades, patterns and textures. With all that beauty I made the decision to chase clouds this afternoon and evening. Some clouds had rain within them while those over the mountains had some snow in them. The forecast is to see snow develop in the mountains and along the Front Range about midnight and continue until early morning. It’s a pattern we could see the next couple of days.

    Not sure about you but early in my youth I found myself saying, “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time!” Maturity and the awareness to pause before making decisions, taking more thoughtful actions than reactions, has reduced the times I needed to say that. Please notice I said reduced! So, if we go with Dennetts quote then he’s suggesting I’m on the threshold of brilliance, even today. Hoping you have a wonderful weekend!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  storm clouds

    Never Lose Hope

    “Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.”

    Roy T. Bennett

    All went well with my bone marrow biopsy yesterday. It was quick, simple and very little pain with it. This morning I’m a bit tender around the wound site but otherwise doing fine. I will be gentle and kind with myself today. Test results will take 7-10 days. This past week I did acquire another UTI so back on antibiotics, hoping it clears up before surgery. Everything seems to be a go for surgery on Tuesday the 14th. I feel at times I am in the midst of the storm. May I not lose hope.

    This is an HDR image created in Lightroom Classic with three images at +/- one stop.

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  storm clouds


    “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”

    Lao Tzu

    Friday I turned on the new furnace. It worked nicely and quietly. The leaves are letting go as they embark on their final stage of this season in life. The Canada Geese are back in town. Had to scrape frost off the windshield on Saturday morning. The days are shorter and nights longer. Cold temperatures are replacing the cooler fall temperatures. Snow will arrive shortly.

    I’m finding it more difficult to pull back warm blankets in the morning. It’s a fact I don’t handle the cold as I did in my younger days. I no longer stay up late but go to bed earlier and rise earlier. Conversations with high school classmates now includes medications we’re on. I now keep medication in a weekly pill dispenser. Both granddaughters are now married. Reality.

    Yes, life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. The seasons of life along with the reality of life.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  storm clouds

    Gotta Love Those Clouds

    Looking northeast along Continental Road

    Horsetooth Reservoir sits on the west side of the city of Fort Collins in the foothills. It runs 6 1/2 miles north to south and is about a half mile wide. The reservoir was created by the construction of four separate large earthen dams, all completed in 1949 and all modernized with a seismic retrofit in 2000-2004. The reservoir has a capacity of 156,735 acre-feet, a total shoreline of 25 miles. Not quite the Great Lakes.

    I gave you all that information to let you know I love the clouds! They are the subject of both image! They are the reason I drove up there yesterday afternoon. I am standing along the east side of the reservoir on a road called Continental Road which travels the full 6 1/2 mile length of the reservoir. I am between two of the four dams looking out across the city after the rain moved out onto the eastern plains.

    Clouds this morning at Pineridge Natural Area

    Then I spent the early part of the morning at Pineridge Natural Area. Fog shrouded the city and eastern plains. The have been 6 pelicans hanging around the reservoir for the past couple weeks. This morning they were scattered about rather than huddled together as I normally see them. So I suspect they may be social distancing or one of ’em farted. Gotta love those clouds!