• coffee shops,  fall season,  frost,  leaves,  lifestyles,  Plants

    A cold November morning

    Early morning frost

    I took this yesterday morning on my way from the bus stop. I decided to take the bus to the coffee shop because I didn’t want to clean the frost off the car or find a parking spot and I need to exercise. On the way home I noticed the tailgaters were getting set up in the parking lot of the stadium for the CSU game this afternoon. Tables were getting setup and they even had some grills set up and smoke billing up. Brats? Not my game plan anymore on a cold November morning. Nope, prefer the warmth of a coffee shop and a mocha.

    This is how to spend a cold winter morning.
  • fog,  frost,  landscape

    Cold Monday

    My weather app said -8 degrees and my car said -1. Take your pick, they’re both too cold. Expecting a high of 28 degrees, that’s a positive but it will be cold again tonight. Just dropped my car off to have the oil changed and walked over to a favorite coffee shop. This is an image from 2009 and also has that cold feel. Stay warm or dry wherever you are.

  • clouds,  frost,  landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  trees

    More Cold Ahead

    Frost in Rolland Moore Park

    I took this image this past Monday around 10:00 am. I was standing in the parking lot of the Senior Center and looking out over the south edges of Rowland Moore park. When I awoke we had fog and this heavy frost settling in on everything. Quite interesting to watch the frost form on the trees. Nature sure does know how to create some wonderful scenes and with a purpose behind them.

    It’s going to be cold the next 4-5 days, getting down to zero on Sunday night. Looks like winter is not ready to let go or spring is not yet to make it’s appearance. When looking at the national weather it looks like that is true for much of our nation.

    Now typing this on a new MacBook Pro. I will write about the purchase a bit later as I get more familiar with it. When I looked up the receipt for my old MacBook, the purchase date was November of 2008. It paid for itself. I’m expecting this one to do the same! Now with this purchase you should see a slight improvement in my photography. 🙂

  • Creativity,  frost,  winter scenes

    Its Cold This Morning

    Frost on my windshield
    Frost on my windshield

    “Knowledge is learning something every day. Wisdom is letting go of something every day.” Zen Proverb

    Frost is on everything. Temperature gauge on my dashboard says 7 degrees  (F). Makes for cold toes. We are expecting similar nighttime lows for the next 5 days. Stay warm!

  • frost

    Frosty Morning


    Frost on my car’s roof rack on a cold morning taken 10 days ago. Seems we have had one snowfall a week for the past two weeks and they are predicting another one next Tuesday. I am ready for warmer weather. Stay warm!

  • frost

    Frost Crystals

    Frost on the Car Window

    Had an interesting conversation with my grandson yesterday morning. We had a beautiful frost overnight leaving these large crystals all over the car. I told him to check them out as they were just gorgeous. He looked then stated he thought I was the only one who would notice something like that. He may be close as there may not bee that many people who look at frost as I do. It could be my age is giving me more respect for the constant art of nature. Or it could be walking around with a camera in my hand has helped me to pay more attention to our world.

  • frost,  landscape

    Atmospheric Conditions

    Hoar Frost and Fence

    This is the same fence as this image only under different weather conditions. The temperature was 15 degrees for this image and minus 5 in the other image. Both taken around the same time of day. It is a good example of how different the mood and colors of a scene can change when the weather is different. And let me tell you, the light breeze at my back when taking this image made it feel just as cold as the other image.