• landscape,  musings,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Early Mornings

    Early mornings in nature have a positive effect on me. I always return home feeling more of my true self, refreshed, and nurtured by her touch. I want to believe that these times with nature change me in so many ways. It is in the silence and the beauty of nature that help me be aware of my breathing, my physical senses and how much a part of this world I really am. And, these feeble attempts to express in my own words always seems to fall short. Probably the only way to know what I experience is for you to experience it.

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  musings,  storm clouds,  writing/reading

    A Portrait of Nature

    Nature is a mirror in which I am reflected, because by rescuing this land from sad devastation [through recreating it in photographs], I am in fact trying to save myself from my own inner sadness.

    Mario Giacomelli

    This quote hits a sensitive spot because I am a witness to the sad devastation of nature. While out photographing the cloud formations during the afternoon thunderstorms this past week, I began reflecting on all the places I have photographed over the years which were free of signs of man’s intrusion. Sadly, I have been a witness to many of those scenes which no longer exist. Later, while studying this image I felt a feeling of inner sadness that someday this scene may be a housing development or warehouse or whatever. So, there is a stirring within me as the photographer Mario Giacomelli suggests, to seek out more portraits of Nature. She is so beautiful and as an artist she continues to create more beauty, while we destroy what she creates! And, I believe she is willing to have her portrait taken.

    I had never heard of Mario Giacomelli before. One reason is because the raw expressiveness of his images are not appealing to my style of photography. However, I will suggest this link for you read a bit about him and his photography. Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

  • haiku,  Humor,  journal,  journaling,  musings,  writing/reading

    Morning Musings

    blue pen, blue ink
    words fill pages of journal
    morning musings


    Welp! Yesterday was Friday the 14th with a touch of Friday the 13th in it. Let me explain. The coffee shop I wanted to go to was not open when I arrived at 7:00 am so I went down the street to one that was open. When I arrived at the second coffee shop I noticed I’d forgotten my Fitbit/watch. No problem. When I got home I noticed I’d left my phone at the coffee shop. No problem. Later in the afternoon I stopped to look at one of the new e-bikes, that’s in my price range. Bending down to look at the belt drive I bumped my head on their rack. Hurt like hell! I cursed profusely! Began bleeding so I went to the ER to have it looked at and because I’m new to this blood thinner stuff. Now we have a problem. I had to have staples put in my noggin and a tetanus shot. Will have the staples removed in 5 days. I then stopped and got a DQ blizzard on the way home for any pain I may have. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I then stayed on my porch the rest of the day and kept all sharp objects at a distance. I took a shower this morning, gently washed my hair and then gently combed my hair. Will need to watch that for the next few days. Put on a crockpot of vegetable soup and will enjoy that later today. Hope you enjoy your day!

  • automobile,  desert,  Humor,  landscape,  musings,  Transportation,  writing/reading

    Senior Moment

    Taken in 2016 along Peralta Trail near Phoenix

    As I left the coffee shop this morning and walked towards my car I noticed thieves had stolen my roof racks. Then I noticed they must have felt guilty because they decided to wash my car. After gathering myself together I started to laugh when I remembered parking across the street because someone had parked in my normal spot. Same car and same color but cleaner, which was the big flag. Oh how quickly the mind creates scenarios that aren’t reality and how quickly I forget. Thankfully I still have my roof rack and the car is still dirty. This is known as a senior moment which is happening more often. But I am beginning to admit them, even here. Enjoy your Saturday!!!

  • flowers,  musings,  Plants,  quotes,  writing/reading

    A life-giving act

    White Prickly Poppy

    Listening is always a life giving act.

    Joan Chittister

    I’ve learned that when positioning my next words in a conversation I am no longer listening. I’ve proven that too many times. I’ve also seen in the eyes of another when they are no longer listening. I have also experienced the gift of fully listening to another as well as knowing the gift of being listened to. Seems that those life giving conversations happen when both are experienced by both. My reflection and journaling on her quote have lead me to see other areas in my life where listening is important such as prayer, or when an author or poet expresses in words what I needed to hear, or a bird’s song of joy, or the whisper/howling of the wind, or the words written in the pages of my journal or the knowing voice deep within. I agree that every moment of listening is a life-giving act for both parties. Hope you enjoy your Sunday!

  • clouds,  landscape,  musings,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Middle of the Road

    Nothing of the inherent beauty of life will be found in the grasping for life’s gadgets.

    Joan Chittister

    One of the reasons I come here is because there isn’t much traffic, no sirens. I’m standing in the middle of Weld County Road 90 about a quarter of a mile from the Weld County and Larimer County lines. With no traffic there is no city noise pollution. Instead there are plenty of birds to sing for me and the breeze feels wonderful. Have a wonderful day!

  • clouds,  Humor,  landscape,  musings,  natural areas,  Photography,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area

    I’ve read where we should never place the subject in the middle of an image because placing the subjects off-center yields a stronger, more natural-looking composition and allows us to make creative use of negative space. Well I do did will break that composition rule technique. I’ve also read that we should not should on ourselves, so I suppose I should stop that.

    The top image is predawn light over Dixon Reservoir taken at 5:49 am and the second image was taken seven minutes later at 5:56 am about 40 feet from the first one. Again, showing us how nature continuously creates. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!