• clouds,  John O'Donohue,  landscape,  quotes,  rants,  sunsets,  trees,  writing/reading

    Artists of Our Days

    “Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater the integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.” John O’Donohue

    Thought I would share a few reasons I enjoy spending more time in nature, whether that’s dreaming of living in an RV or taking a short drive to one of the natural areas near me. Some of these I’ve written about before so I apologize if I’m repeating myself.

    Connection: My experiences in nature have always brought a deeper feeling of connection with nature. Connection with nature is a pleasurable experience for me. Sometimes I wonder if we are drawn closer to nature as we age, with some unconscious knowing we are nearing our time of returning to the earth. Finding a greater separation from the busyness of the city brings a deeper connection with nature. The connection includes not just observing through sound, smell, touch and sight but I also talk to creation. I used to see that as weird but seems so natural to me at this stage of life.

    Solitude: Solitude is a vital part of my spiritual life. As an introvert the solitude helps recharge my batteries. I like my condo and consider it a place of solitude, a sanctuary, but there are those times I must move away from the comforts it brings and the external noises around me.

    Silence: I find a deeper silence by driving to some place in the country where there is less man-made noise, allowing for the sounds of nature to dominate and heal. Once I passed the 60 year mark I needed fewer days listening to traffic, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, refrigerator, furnace, and trash trucks.

    Journaling: Journaling is also a part of my spiritual life and a daily exercise. What few times I’ve missed journaling was due to hospital vacations or where words could not be heard from within. I also find the writing on this blog to be fun and enjoyable. I was a horrible English student as a youth and disliked reading and writing. Now both reading and writing make up a majority of day. Never thought I would enjoy reading poetry but find I do, even venturing into attempts at writing in a poetic form.

    Photography: Photography is a real interest or goal for time in nature. I have loved nature photography since I was a teenager with my first twin lens reflex camera. Over time, photography has help develop what some call the eye of the heart, so that I see nature from a new place. A much larger world for me to experience.

    Discovery: There is a world to discover beyond the small world many of us spend most of our time living in. For many years I chose my world that consisted of a cubicle with a paycheck. There are new horizons of discovery and adventure yet to be seen and fully experienced. Time in nature helps me stay alive as a fulltime student.

    And, what are yours, if you care to share?

    May we be the artists of our days! 😎❤️


  • clouds,  landscape,  lifestyles,  rants,  storm clouds,  writing/reading

    Storm Brewing

    Storm clouds brewing on the northern horizon

    Listening to the news grieves this heart.
    Voices cry warnings of a storm brewing
    somewhere, every day, every moment.

    I want to turn away from it all,
    cover my ears, bury my head in the sand, 
    still storm clouds rise on the far horizon.

    With diligence I stay alert listening to the
    thunder of lies, watching for lightning bolts of anger,
    each a sign of the growing storms of hatred.

    Oh, to wake from this nightmare, to discover
    instead, a sunlight of love rising on the horizon,
    offering us the gift hope. This is my prayer!


  • clouds,  Fujifilm X-T3,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  rants,  writing/reading

    Welfare of People

    View from the writing studio at Pineridge Natural Area looking north

    “Like my father, I believe that nonviolence is the antidote to what he called ‘the triple evils of racism, poverty and militarism.’ These three evils were consuming our hopes for community in 1964, and, fifty years later, we remain divided because of their festering effects.” Bernice King

    A troubling time for me. Awoke around 3:00 am with distressing thoughts and images running through my head. I have never felt such anxiety in our society, and the world, as I do now. We have those who seem focused on using violence as a solution to quell the voice of people. Haven’t we proven violence is not the solution. Let’s focus on the welfare of people rather than warfare on people.

  • Cityscapes/Urban,  clouds,  landscape,  rants,  snow,  trees

    Saddens me…

    Open field at Shields and Stuart.

    This is an open lot about two blocks from my condo. I am standing along Shields Street and looking east. I’ve taken a few images of sunrises from this location. However, that will change over the next couple years as they sent notice that they will be building an apartment complex and small convenience store in this field. There are people who call it growth, development, progress, because it is about money to them. I want to call it destruction. Saddens me to see areas like this within the city changed from a natural world to concrete and wood structures surrounded by asphalt!

  • rants,  rants,  writing/reading

    This is a rant…so hear me out

    For personal use only

    I regularly use the bathroom located near the Legacy Lounge at Lory Student Center. It seems that as I enter the toilet stall, the toilet flushes. When I sit down, the toilet flushes. When I’ve finished my business and stand up, the toilet flushes. As I open the door to walk out, the toilet flushes. So, I’m for putting the handles back on toilets and urinals and asking people be responsible for their shit.

  • rants,  rants,  writing/reading

    Things I Think I Need

    The County Road
    The view on a County Road 90

    The Things I Think I Need otherwise known as TITIN. I think I caught it. It explains much of my thinking over the past few decades. I’m pretty sure there are no med’s for it, although I suppose I could ask my family doctor. He may get a kick out of it or have the same affliction, disease, broken thinking, or whatever ya call it.

    My TITIN thinking is trying to justify purchasing a new laptop or an iPad Pro or a Surface Go to replace an old Chromebook and a nine year old Macbook. I use both of these tools for writing on my blog, reading your blogs, checking emails, editing my images and, of course internet shopping for the next thing I think I need.

    According to marketing both tools are outdated, which means there are hands wanting to take more money from my wallet for their latest and greatest. They don’t seem to understand there is no money in the wallet. I’m retired! Every once in awhile the Sugar Mama solution enters my mind but the side effects may be worse than the solution.

    In all honesty the Macbook is outdated due the constant updating of software. However, my simple needs are met with both the tools I have. I wonder if TITIN is related to GAS Cramps.