• natural areas,  quotes,  reflections


    Reflections at Arapaho Bend Natural Area this morning

    No, it’s not fools who turn mystic. It takes a certain amount of intelligence and imagination to realize the extraordinary queerness and mysteriousness of the world in which we live. The fools, the innumerable fools, take it for granted, skate about cheerfully on the surface and never think of inquiring what’s underneath.

    Allows Huxley

    I must say our fall colors are truly popping now. I see trees that are almost naked. I also see trees glowing and radiating in the gold, yellow, red and bronze colors of fall, their leaves excitedly dancing with the wind. I am glad to be at a place in my life of witnessing the extraordinary queerness and mysteriousness of the world in which we live. My hope is that I never lose the curiosity Mark mentions in his comment a few days ago. I wish that we all be the curious mystics we are meant to be. Met my friend Eric for coffee this morning and saw this scene on the way home. Enjoy your Saturday.

  • quotes,  reflections,  sunrises


    “We must, however, reflect on what is happening. It is an urgent matter, especially for those of us who still live in a meaningful, even a numinous, earth community. We have not spoken. Nor even have we seen clearly what is happening. The issue goes far beyond economics, or commerce, or poetics, or an evening of pleasantries as we look out over a scenic view. Something is happening beyond all this. We are losing splendid and intimate modes of divine presence. We are, perhaps, losing ourselves.” 

    Thomas Berry

    As I began to write this post I became aware of how often I talk about going to the natural areas and the spiritual impact they have on me, as if nature is some distant place I must travel to. The reality is I live in nature, it is all around me, our city is built within nature. I too often fail to remember I live in nature, because I can easily get lost in the chaos of the city, overwhelmed by the buildings and noise we create. My thinking, and in many ways society, suggests we are to look elsewhere for those intimate modes of divine presence of nature. This shows a thinking of society’s separation from nature. I feel sadness, as well as anger, knowing that we are taking places of natural beauty, even if that’s a farmer’s land, and making it into a housing development, shopping mall or warehouse. We change the natural area into concrete, asphalt jungle that has almost no resemblance to its previous existence. I see where we are losing splendid and intimate modes of divine presence to the hands of investors for their financial gain rather than setting aside a farmer’s land as a natural sanctuary. I pray we, which also includes me, can change this way of thinking and believing. End of rant. Clouds have moved in and the wind has picked up as we await rain.

  • reflections,  sunrises

    A beautiful start to this day

    The day began with quiet time at home then a visit to Pineridge Natural Area to receive the gift we are offered. The sky was filled with ever changing clouds and colors. A gentle wind created small ripples across the waters surface. A quiet stillness surrounded me. These sacred moments are vital to my spiritual journey and a beautiful start to this day. I’m now at a coffee shop, surrounded with rather loud conversations and all the noise that comes with this lifestyle. I consider myself an introvert if we define it as someone who enjoys spending time with just one or two people, rather than large groups or crowds. Too much external stimulation can cause me to feel uncomfortable. I will meet Mark later for coffee and conversation then back home to the quiet. Anyway, what a beautiful start to this day. I’m looking forward to the forecast for rain later this afternoon. 😊 May you have a wonderful day!!

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  landscape,  natural areas,  reflections,  sunrises

    I Come Here for the Silence

    Arapaho Bend Natural Area taken on 5/31/2023

    I come for the silence heard in the ground of my being
    which brings awareness of the gift of life.

    As this gift unfolds,
    the sun rises over a cloudless horizon,
    a fish quietly rises to the water’s surface
    and a quiet prayer is heard in my soul.

    This Book of Nature has opened its pages of this new day,
    may we silently read each word.

    I come here for the silence.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  reflections,  sunrises

    The Morning After

    I was awakened around 2:00 am with flashes of lightning bursting in my bedroom. I could hear and feel rumbles of thunder while the rain pounded on my bedroom window. Sounded like one of those storms my dad would call a toad-strangler. I layed there with a heart full of thanks, thankful for the comfort and protection of my condo and how rain is such a refreshing gift of nature. In my mind I envisioned a predawn eastern sky with scattered clouds above the horizon, perfect for a photo. ❤️ A couple hours later with that vision in my mind I headed out to Pineridge Natural Area. So, when I say morning after in the title I’m talking about the thunderstorm and not any overindulgence from the night before. Thankful those days no longer exist in my life. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  poems,  poetry,  reflections,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    The Power of Practice

    To live a life grounded in God
    you don’t need information;
    you need to be informed by
    the spark of divine presence
    you always carry within you.
    But you’ll have to practice
    this, with concentration,
    like you would if you were
    learning a skill or art.

    Meister Eckhart’s Book of Darkness & Light

    To grow in this craft of photography requires practice. At the present moment I have over 90,000 images in my archives. A rough guess would be that less than 5% of them are good images. I’ll define good as images I’d want to print, frame or sell. And, I post many images on this blog that I would not define as good but want to share them anyway. There is something about them I like. Which means I have a large number of keepers that are lessons and teachers. The lessons they teach may not be something I understand while looking at the image on my computer. Some lessons may be unconscious and only known or understood until I’m in the field and something intuitive, that spark within me, tells me to change my composition or some technical aspect of my equipment. And, that is the lesson practice offers!

    This morning’s clouds, predawn colors and reflections at Arapaho Bend Natural Area were a good way for me to start this day. My only hiccup was making an 8 ounce pour-over rather than a 12 ounce pour-over. 😂 I hope you also have a good day in whatever you do!

  • haiku,  horizons,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  reflections,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    The Morning’s Clouds

    nature’s gift
    painted on a canvas sky
    the morning’s clouds


    I found a place to settle along the ridge, just below the road and above Dixon Reservoir. I lowered my tripod to be just at eye level and sat there among the bluestem grass, rabbitbrush and sage brush. My low perspective was much like that of the cottontails or coyotes. I was surrounded by silence and the spicy, bitter yet inspiring fragrance of the sage. And, Oh, those clouds! I took in slow deep breaths and soaked in the gift of being alive. Within me a prayer stirs and a desire that all the world would experience and partake of these moments nature offers. I could have sat there all day but…the day calls.

    I took this image about 8 minutes earlier. This is the predawn sky and the first one is sunrise. Meet Mark for breakfast at 9:00 am then have the staples removed from my head. Rain predicted for later this afternoon. Have a super Awesome day!