clouds,  landscape

It Was the Clouds

Simply Clouds

The open spaces along the plains have such simplicity to them. Simplicity is one of the main components of a good photograph. The simpler the image, the easier it is for the viewer to focus on the subject and appreciate it. Cluttered images and backgrounds are less visually appealing, even though I have my share archived on my hard drive. Cluttered images and backgrounds are also more likely to cause the subject and lesser objects to confuse each other visually. In the above image I asked myself what is my subject? I see three subjects calling out, the clouds, the grassland and the brush on the horizon. When I reflect back on the moment of decision to raise my camera to my eye and pressed the shutter, “it was the clouds” that I was focused on. I hope everyone has an Awesome weekend!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.