Self-portraits,  spirituality

Looking Inward

Looking Inward

I believe a spiritual journey is a journey within ourselves, taking a look at what lies within. Somewhere within us is a bright light. While walking along my path I have found some things that help me.

I journal as a way of discovery and a way to slow down. Prayer and meditation has become a way to commune with my Higher Power. It has taken effort and a of lot trust along this path but the journey is worth it. Each day we see a bit more about ourselves, finding peace and happiness. Each step allows us to see a brighter light illuminating everything around us.

Light is the key to photography. It illuminates our subjects bringing out details and colors. As we look out a window our faces will be lit by the incoming light. The closer we draw to the window’s light the more details we will be able to see in the shadows. Conversely, the farther away we are from the window the less details we will see in the shadows. So, the closer we come to the light the brighter everything around us becomes. Looking inward will make our world around us brighter.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.