• sunsets,  Travel

    The Tubicle

    The Office View

    It’s interesting to watch the expressions when passengers ask me what I did before working as a flight attendant. I usually get a good response when I tell them I worked as an engineer, giving up my cubicle for a tubicle. My office views at 30,000 feet are so much nicer than looking at the three paneled walls surrounding my old cubicle.

  • Canon Powershot G12

    End of Day

    Sunset on the Tarmac

    As I normally do after finishing a trip I stepped out on the tarmac to catch the employee bus to my car. This evening I stood in awe and took the scene in. A smile formed as I enjoyed the last few rays and warmth of the setting sun. I really did not care if the was a bit late. As tired as I was I reached in bag and pulled out the G12 and took a few images. I did not care about the exposure as I knew I could not justify what I felt at that moment. It was just a nice way to end the day.

  • Art/Design

    No One Onboard

    From the back galley

    We arrived a few minutes early in Philly so we had about 20 minutes of sit time. With no passengers onboard I grabbed a quick shot of the cabin isle taken with my iPhone. I loaded it into PSE6, made a slight levels adjustment and resized it.