• natural areas,  quotes,  reflections


    Reflections at Arapaho Bend Natural Area this morning

    No, it’s not fools who turn mystic. It takes a certain amount of intelligence and imagination to realize the extraordinary queerness and mysteriousness of the world in which we live. The fools, the innumerable fools, take it for granted, skate about cheerfully on the surface and never think of inquiring what’s underneath.

    Allows Huxley

    I must say our fall colors are truly popping now. I see trees that are almost naked. I also see trees glowing and radiating in the gold, yellow, red and bronze colors of fall, their leaves excitedly dancing with the wind. I am glad to be at a place in my life of witnessing the extraordinary queerness and mysteriousness of the world in which we live. My hope is that I never lose the curiosity Mark mentions in his comment a few days ago. I wish that we all be the curious mystics we are meant to be. Met my friend Eric for coffee this morning and saw this scene on the way home. Enjoy your Saturday.