• Art,  lifestyles,  quotes,  shadows,  spirituality,  still life

    …everyday life

    In the end, the only thing that will matter will be how well we loved. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is to pay attention to the person we encounter, more so, to be attentive to the ones we love (and often take for granted). To be present in the moment, heart and soul, attentive to the sounds of life in the midst of anxiety, laughter, sorrow, and wonder…. The moral of the story is that grace is everywhere and love abounds, but it must be received and celebrated. This is the sacrament of everyday life.

    Ilia Delio, The Hours of the Universe

    Looks like snow and cold in the upper Great Lakes while rain in the southeast. Clear and sunny here but cold and windy. I do believe in her words that grace is everywhere and love abounds. However, far too many aren’t aware of it or don’t believe in it or don’t live life as if it is. I wonder could it be that each of us must fan that flame to live it. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, enjoying the sacrament of everyday life we each have, no matter the weather!

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  journaling,  lifestyles,  writing/reading

    A Soft Whisper

    As I travel this journey of life, I find both the unceasing chaotic chatter of the world and my mind brings turmoil within me. To quiet these voices of anxiety and confusion I use my journal and fountain pens. They have long  ago become intimate friends who have the ability to bring a calming to my sometimes troubled spirit. As I hold these trusted instruments my breathing and thinking settle down into a place of peace. As I write, the world still shouts but now from a distance and the continuous chatter of my mind gradually becomes a soft whisper.

    We are expecting snow to begin about midday with 1-3 inches total. Stay warm.

  • clouds,  landscape,  prairie,  snow,  sunrises

    Life is not like that…

    Sunrise in eastern Colorado

    I felt a strong emotion rise to the surface while on my bus ride this morning. Tears welled up in my eyes, not from sadness or pain but more along the lines of some feeling of love. What is strange about this feeling of love is because of an incident of anger that happened 15 minutes earlier while leaving the condo. I was running a couple minutes late and if I didn’t hustle I would miss the bus which would cause me to have to wait a half hour for the next bus. As I grabbed the doorknob I remembered I needed to get my renewed bus pass out of the pocket of my backpack and felt the anxiety within. As I took the backpack off I got tangled up with the straps and my anxiety burst into anger and choice words (#@&!). Almost immediately after hearing the words come out of my mouth and noticed my  increased emotions, I took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled. I ask myself what was I really angry at? It was sure not the backpacks fault. This led to a few moments of reflection. While walking to the bus stop I became aware of how much I wanted the world to run smoothly all the time, especially for me. But, the reality is life is not like that.

    Then while on the bus I observed these students solemnly heading to class and wondered what they may be going through. I could see some to be stressed out with school or worried about some relationship that is struggling. Maybe there are health problems in their life, theirs or family. No one’s life runs smoothly all the time nor is there a reason to expect it. The real question is how we face and deal with life. For me the feeling of love on the bus was for those who may be going through much more than getting tangled up their backpack. I have much to learn. Sigh! If you read this far, thanks for listening.