• Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  sunsets


    Sunset over Longs Peak

    Thoreau understood that wildness is not dependent upon a vast, unsettled track of land. Rather it is a quality of awareness, and openness to the light, to the seasons, and to nature’s perpetual renewal.

    John Elder, Introduction to Nature Walking by Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Needed a Natural Area fix yesterday so I drove out to Arapaho Bend Natural Area. I wanted to get in some steps so I walked along the ponds with camera and tripod. I had no real goals. I just needed to be there. My time there was healing. just what I needed. Beautiful clouds directly above me and over the Front Range. A touch of color after the sun had set. And the water was calm providing inspiring reflections. Nature does that!

    My fix was needed because I have felt a bit down. I do that once in awhile. But, I am grateful for the gift of this awareness of feelings. I’ve come to know my feelings are not my reality, they point to something deeper. There is no need for me to worry, or be fearful, or greedy, or resentful, since those are just thoughts. My life is good! Heck we just got a 3.24% increase in our SSA check. My IRA made money this past year. Although I spent part of that on car repairs. The reality is I have everything I need. I am privileged. One year ago I was a very sick man and in the hospital which let me know of health issues that have since been addressed. Today I meet with my cardiologist for a nine month checkup after the TAVR procedure they did last March. I enjoyed a taste of the Christmas season Tuesday evening as I dressed up as Santa for the baristas at Starry Night’s employee party. What a gift that I would be asked to be a part of their celebration. It was way kool! I’m aware I’ve drifted off course with my eating during this season but eagerly accepted a gift box of almond truffles. No, I’m not sharing them!!

    I’ll end with this by applying the words of John Elder to my life. I have a quality of awareness in my life, what is reality and what isn’t. I am learning to be open to the light of new tomorrows, new horizons and venture towards them for as long as I can. I am also aware that each season of life is always preceding another season of renewal. So, my fix in nature lifted my spirits. I do have a desire to live the brevity of my life the best I can. Hope you have a great day. Thanks for listening to me ramble or is it babbling.

    And, Happy Birthday to my youngest granddaughter, Madie!!!

  • quotes,  shadows,  snow,  winter scenes

    More Snow Bubbles

    “If we are to see a true reawakening to the sacredness of the Earth and harness the deepest energy of our being to serve this awareness, we need a strong inner authority in our own souls to challenge the religious, political, and social systems that have recklessly ignored or denied this sacredness and are imperiling the very future of the world.”

    John Philip Newell, Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul

    I write this post from the warmth of a coffee shop with a beautifully crafted mocha latte in front of me. We had a magnificent Colorado sunrise that brought a smile to my face and a spark of joy in my heart. This past snowfall gave us a taste of the beauty of our winter wonderland. We still have cold temperatures but with the help of the suns rays, the snow melts, offering its life source into the soil. I love the sacredness and beauty nature offers, even snow bubbles.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  panorama,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises,  Thomas Berry

    It’s Happening Now

    The greatest of human discoveries in the future will be the discovery of human intimacy with all those other modes of being that live with us on this planet, inspire our art and literature, reveal that numinous world whence all things come into being, and with which we exchange the very substance of life.

    Thomas Berry

    A host of thoughts can run through my head while standing before this pre-dawn scene as I worked at capturing the image. This image is a panorama of 7 images using Lightroom Classic. I wanted the whole cloud bank in the image and my 16mm lens wasn’t wide enough so I decided to try a panorama. It works on this blog but not for printing purposes. When I came home and saw this panoramic image on my monitor my thoughts shifted from the craft of the image to the scene itself. It’s easy to look at this open field, even to the distant horizon, and see it as something separate from me. I’m here, it’s there. But that’s just not true. There is a multitude of ecosystems comprising this image and the world. Maybe that’s what makes this scene so appealing and beautiful to me. Because as Berry suggests there are other modes of being: birds of all sorts, insects, animals, the plants and of course, humans. For me the future of discovery Berry is talking about is happening now.

  • Art,  quotes

    True Growth

    Loveland Sculpture Park – 2012

    “There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.”

    Michael A. Singer

    Over the years I’ve become aware of the idea that I am not the voice of my mind. However, this awareness is only the beginning. Each day is an opportunity to learn more of this truth about my life. I also learn from watching others who are not who they are but believe the voice of their mind. The practice of meditation is helping me in letting go of, or identifying with, the voices and thoughts. I then can carry that practice into all areas of my life. Maybe true growth is the awareness of this and put it into action. It is a beautiful day here in Colorado. Hoping you have a wonderful day!

    I have about 10 drafts in my post sections. I either need to finish them or delete them. So you may see some posts that are not stellar writing but appear here because of my decision to rid myself of drafts. 😂

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  rants,  writing/reading

    Dream World

    On a drive down Rist Canyon I came upon this tree shrouded in clouds and mist.

    “Too often in the past our approach to truth has been to assume that we have it and others do not. Consequently, we have thought that our role is to tell people what to believe. We are being invited instead into a new humility, to serve the holy wisdom that is already stirring in the hearts of people everywhere, the growing awareness of earth’s interrelatedness and sacredness.”

    John Philip Newell

    I went to a local coffee shop to sit outside and journal but that did not happen. There was a group of men gathered around a couple tables talking loudly, wearing shirts that told you their political opinions, one of them packing a gun. We are faced daily with people telling us what to believe, their truth, from all different perspectives. It was not a comfortable place, so I left. I went where I could listen to the birds sing. They make more sense to me and I love their music.

    What would our world be like if people spent time in nature? Would there be an experience of the awareness of our interrelatedness and sacredness that Newell talks about? How would that change us? Maybe we’d realize we need to be students rather than know-it-alls. Or worse yet, think we need to change the world but not ourselves.