• clouds,  John O'Donohue,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  quotes

    Time In Prayer

    Morning reflection on a glass smooth Dixon Reservoir

    “It is no surprise that in our loss of connection with Nature, we have forgotten how to pray. We even believe that we do not need to pray.”

    John O’Donohue

    Joan and I met for a walk/talk session at Pineridge Natural Area this morning. We took the shorter route around the reservoir which is not quite 3 miles. They were predicting a beautiful day after yesterday’s overcast skies and rain, so a lot of people were out to enjoy it. After our walk we ate brunch on the patio of a new restaurant called the Chicken Coop, which serves American Mexican breakfast and lunches. We will need to go back and try other things on the menu and definitely include another walk.
    Time in nature is time in prayer.