• Photography

    Someone's Butts

    Someones Butts
    Someones Butts

    I’m getting better in overcoming fear when approaching people for a photograph. I’m also getting used to the strange looks from people as they try to figure out what I’m photographing. Case in point is the above image. While walking out of a large store I noticed this rock ash tray outside the doors. I walked around it, knelt down on one knee and fired off one shot. There was a post nearby so I needed to move a little to the right and tried a shot there. Don’t you wonder what’s going through the security officers head as he watches? And, what about those who just drove into the parking lot and decided to come back later when the strange guy had left. I know this is not a pretty subject but it is one we walk by all the time and only glance at it. A simple image of someone’s butts.