• Avian,  desert,  haiku,  landscape,  writing/reading

    Silent Predator

    in pre-dawn light
    eyes pierce the world of darkness
    silent predator


    Awoke to a dusting of snow with more possible later this evening. I made my first venture to a coffee shop yesterday with my sister and came home a bit worn out. It was a good experience for me. This early morning image of the owl was taken in 2006 along the Peralta Trail in Arizona while on a visit to see my parents.

  • Cactus,  landscape,  Plants,  sunsets

    Update on my trip

    Sunset from my parents front porch

    Here’s an update on how things are going for my parents move. We have done a lot to clear out the house, getting it ready to sell and made a few minor repairs on the house. As you would expect after living here for the past 22 years there has been an accumulation of stuff, so we’ve made four sorted piles; one for trash, one for donation, one for us kids and one to take with them. I’ve had a wonderful time going through old photographs, albums, down memory lane.

    I am impressed with the assisted living facility my parents will be moving into. The facility is only a couple of years old and the staff were wonderful. In fact I would like to live there myself. They provide three meals a day and snacks all the time. Art room, library, music room, Yoga room, big dining room.

    Thursday and Friday were hot, 97 degrees, but much more comfortable today at 91 degrees. My sister and I flew down on Sunday and will rent a car to drive back to Colorado on Monday morning with the stuff we wanted to keep. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Cactus,  Humor,  Metro Parks,  Plants

    …pushing the sand button.


    Horsing around yesterday and decided to send a silly test message to my family and friends. Thought maybe it could bring a smile to their day and maybe yours.

    “With all the isolation staff goingon,, Ive been texting a lot more and I’ve noticed the fallowing. Sendin text messengers require the need to reed them very carefuly, more than ounce., checking for any and ale erors before pushing the sand button.”

  • Family,  Holiday Seasons,  sunsets

    Heading Home

    Arizona Sunset
    Arizona Sunset

    We are heading home today, back to the colder temperatures. I have enjoyed the family time except for all the food I was forced to eat. I have also enjoyed the wonderful weather they have here in Phoenix. Tomorrow will be my pre-op appointment, blood draws and more explanation on what to expect with the surgery on the 5th. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving !

  • Cactus,  desert,  Fujifilm X-T10,  HDR,  landscape,  sunrises

    A Morning Walk in the Desert

    Morning Walk in the Desert
    Morning Walk in the Desert

    Here is another image from my trip in October to the Phoenix area. This is on the south side of the Superstition Mountains along the Peralta Trail Road. It is a wonderful place to find quite. You will hear a coyote howl, a cactus wren call out, and no sign of man. This is three jpeg images run through HDR Efex Pro.