• Camera Equipment

    Camera bag review… sorta

    I have been looking at the 15L Peak Design Zip Backpack for quite some time but resisting because I felt it was to expensive for my wallet. I have been using two backpacks: the TOPO Designs, in their older version that was 20L in size, and the Lowepro Flipside Trek 350. I was using these two because I haven’t found one that met all my needs/wants. I am very much aware there is no perfect camera bag/backpack and just wrote about it here but this one sure looked promising. I’m not sure if this seemingly lifelong obsession is GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) or indigestion. Anyway, I finally pushed the order button on Feb 5th. Here’s what I think after a few weeks with it.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  Humor,  journal,  writing/reading

    Anyone else …

    … still looking for the perfect camera bag? 😂 A quick google search for “perfect camera bag” gives me 118,000,000 hits. There is always someone suggesting the best camera bag for travel, backpacking, street photography, weddings and so forth. But I’m afraid we are all going to be disappointed because there ain’t one.

    Daily, I normally carry a camera with a lens attached, a journal, my fountain pens, a kindle paperwhite, sometimes a book, a smartphone, spare battery and SD cards. I seldom carry my 13″ Macbook Pro anymore. If’n I’m going to the coffee shop with the above then all I need is camera bag A or A1 or A2. If’n I’m going to a natural area for nature photos then a camera body with two lens and binoculars are what I need and fits in camera bag B, or B1 or B2 or B3. Maybe what I need is a bag that morphs into what I want for that day. I just put in what I’m going to carry for the day and it shapes itself to my needs. And all for only $49. Or maybe I need to give up. But I’m still looking. Sigh!