• fog,  landscape,  Plants,  trees


    The Cottonwoods on Stuart Street a week ago

    The true purpose of art then is to expand our consciousness, enlarge our perspective, and evolve our understanding of the world and others. And, as consciousness transforms through making and viewing art, so do our actions and interactions with life leading to greater empathy, justice, and enlightened decision-making.

    David Ulrich

    Have pretty good news after my appointment with hematologist yesterday. The JAK2 test they did was looking for mutation in the bone marrow cells. They were all negative. So no bone marrow cancer! The doctor thinks I might be iron deficient and the bone marrow is just not able to keep up with cell production due to lack of “building material.” So he’s going to try giving me a couple treatments of iron viA IV. If that’s the core issue we should see positive results in a couple weeks. Very low risk with the procedure and minor side effects of low energy and achy for a day or so. I also have an angiogram on the 13th then meet surgeons on the 15th. We will discuss the possibility for another valve replacement which would include a root enlargement to fit a larger valve. And, Happy American Heart Month.