• Dewdrops,  flowers,  Plants,  quotes

    Through the dewdrops

    “One discovers the light in darkness, that is what darkness is for; but everything in our lives depends on how we bear the light”

    James Baldwin

    We had our first frost of the season last night which meant I had to scrape frost from the windshield. But, these brisk mornings have a way of waking you up or at least perking you up. We had 33 degrees at 6:15 am and blue skies so far. I did not have a good nights sleep as my mind kept wanting to live tomorrow rather than relax and let my body rest. Could be a nap on my agenda this afternoon. This image was taken Wednesday morning on my way to meet Mark for breakfast. These flowers were outside the restaurant and I loved how they were bearing the light through the dewdrops. Enjoy your Saturday!

  • Dewdrops,  Plants

    The beauty in small things

    Met Eric for coffee and conversation this morning, both were excellent. The rain/mist we’ve had all morning seems to have drawn people to the coffee shop. Baristas were busy and the din was up from normal. Good thing for the owners but does reduce the ability to hear. It’s also one of those days to take the time and notice the beauty in small things all around us. Hope you have a great day!

  • Dewdrops,  gratitude,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    Dewdrop Ornaments

    “A mystic is anyone who has a gnawing suspicion that the apparent discord, brokenness, contradiction, and discontinuities that assault us every day might conceal a hidden unity.”

    Krista Tippett

    A light drizzle began falling this morning then changed to a wet snow. It stopped at about noon. It has been overcast and gray all day. I can easily see why people can feel down or depressed on days like this. I have felt its effect. I also feel a bit down as I have a friend who is in ICU from a heart attack and another one who has gone into hospice. It has been a struggle to accept where I’m at now in life and the weather and news have not helped.

    Yet, I watch as this precious moisture creates “dewdrop ornaments” that glisten and sparkle with the wind on the juniper outside my bedroom window. Nature is always offering us something to enjoy and so simple. I smile and am grateful.

  • fall season,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons

    Beautiful Nature

    Maple leaves from 2006

    “Nature is beautiful because it looks like Art; and Art can only be called beautiful if we are conscious of it as Art while yet it looks like Nature.”

    Immanuel Kant

    It was 23 degrees this morning at 7:02 am as I left the condo. Snow then began falling around 8:00 am. Intermittently big flakes then soft delicate snowflakes. I sat in my bedroom looking out the bay window as the artist created. It is lovely to my soul. It is also bringing much needed moisture to our thirsty soil. I checked the temperature about 2:16 pm and it said we’re still at 23 degrees but feels like 17 degrees. I’ll agree and it will only get colder! It’s expected to snow all night. I know the image does not depict the weather here but it is beautiful art made by nature. And, this is a second post about the beauty of nature.

    I finished a couple of blurb books that I’ve been working on for awhile. I ordered one each for a look-see copy today. Nothing fancy but small 7×7 size and on subjects I like, Twilight and Journaling. They are for me and will go on my bookshelf.

    I tested negative this morning for covid as I was exposed again this past Sunday. 👍

  • Annie Dillard,  fall season,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons

    Concerning trees and leaves..

    Concerning trees and leaves… there’s a real power here. It is amazing that trees can turn gravel and bitter salts into these soft-lipped lobes, as if I were to bite down on a granite slab and start to swell, bud and flower. Every year a given tree creates absolutely from scratch ninety-nine percent of its living parts. Water lifting up tree trunks can climb one hundred and fifty feet an hour; in full summer a tree can, and does, heave a ton of water every day. A big elm in a single season might make as many as six million leaves, wholly intricate, without budging an inch; I couldn’t make one. 

    Annie Dillard

    Annie Dillard’s quote caused me to rethink my perspective on the world of these trees around me. It’s that thing where I look at them, see their beauty, see them as a passive object, while failing to see the innate and active power within them. And, I couldn’t make a leaf either. However, I love to see them swirling in the wind, whether the leaf is clinging to a branch or free-falling to the ground, or lying peacefully on the ground. Always intrigued by their shapes, patterns, colors and how nature seemingly and randomly scatters them to and fro, making beautiful art, just for me. And, I love to photograph them. ❤️

  • fall season,  leaves,  Plants,  seasons

    A walk with my camera

    Dew is the result of water changing from a vapor to a liquid. Dew forms as temperatures drop and objects cool down. If the object becomes cool enough, the air around the object will also cool. Colder air is less able to hold water vapor than warm air. This forces water vapor in the air around cooling objects to condense. When condensation happens, small water droplets form—dew.

    The colors in town have been vibrant this year or I’m more alive to them than previously. The sun was warm and bright yesterday morning making things look vibrant. So, I took my camera and the 35mm f2.0 for a walk. Only makes sense to photograph all this beauty.

    Wisdom for today: I need to walk away from food rather than around food.