• landscape,  storm clouds

    Made it home

    My sister and I returned last night about 11:00 pm. The drive home took us about 15 and half hours due to lots and lots of road construction and some nasty weather. We encountered rain/snow mix just south of Colorado Springs until we reached home. It actually got pretty intense for awhile. A major stretch between Colorado Springs and Denver was driven in the dark with rain/snow and slush. Probably had an inch of snow when we arrived. The image above is what we were driving into and was taken just south of Colorado Springs on I-25.

    My sister, Sheree, and I feel we got done what we needed in helping my parents make this move. Her and I came home with some stuff, some of it is pure treasure. Good things happened yesterday as we made our way home. My parents home went on the market yesterday afternoon. They also found out yesterday their move in date will most likely be on May 19th. My sister, Marcee and her husband John, will be involved in making that final move happen. They will be living about 2 miles from my parents. So it is all working out nicely.

  • Cityscapes/Urban

    I'm gonna have a wreck…


    An Old Barn
    An Old Barn

    …one of these days if I keep driving while my head is turned 180 degrees. Yes, I’m guilty of roaming eyes and not paying attention as I drive along new roads. It’s not unusual to find me turning the car around so I can have another look, maybe even get out and walk around. Anything can catch my attention. In this case it was the picket fence style barn doors on Jugs Road. I parked the car, saw no signs and walked closer, taking a few shots from this angle then this angle, tyring to get the feeling. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I just move on down the road.