• clouds,  landscape,  prairie,  snow,  sunrises

    Life is not like that…

    Sunrise in eastern Colorado

    I felt a strong emotion rise to the surface while on my bus ride this morning. Tears welled up in my eyes, not from sadness or pain but more along the lines of some feeling of love. What is strange about this feeling of love is because of an incident of anger that happened 15 minutes earlier while leaving the condo. I was running a couple minutes late and if I didn’t hustle I would miss the bus which would cause me to have to wait a half hour for the next bus. As I grabbed the doorknob I remembered I needed to get my renewed bus pass out of the pocket of my backpack and felt the anxiety within. As I took the backpack off I got tangled up with the straps and my anxiety burst into anger and choice words (#@&!). Almost immediately after hearing the words come out of my mouth and noticed my  increased emotions, I took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled. I ask myself what was I really angry at? It was sure not the backpacks fault. This led to a few moments of reflection. While walking to the bus stop I became aware of how much I wanted the world to run smoothly all the time, especially for me. But, the reality is life is not like that.

    Then while on the bus I observed these students solemnly heading to class and wondered what they may be going through. I could see some to be stressed out with school or worried about some relationship that is struggling. Maybe there are health problems in their life, theirs or family. No one’s life runs smoothly all the time nor is there a reason to expect it. The real question is how we face and deal with life. For me the feeling of love on the bus was for those who may be going through much more than getting tangled up their backpack. I have much to learn. Sigh! If you read this far, thanks for listening.

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  prairie,  quotes,  sunsets

    Standing in the Presence

    Late afternoon sunset on County Road 17 in Larimer County

    “All that we can do with any spiritual discipline is produce within ourselves something of the silence, the humility, the detachment, the purity of heart and the indifference which are required if the inner self is to make some shy, unpredictable manifestation of his presence.” James Finley

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  sunsets

    Chasing the Sun

    Chasing the Light

    I met up with Tom and Kathy Dills, who are visiting from North Carolina, yesterday morning for coffee at the Old Town Mugs. We solved a few of the world problems in the morning over coffee then yesterday afternoon we drove north of Fort Collins to chase the sun and look for a few trees. We found both.

  • fog,  frost,  landscape

    Cold Monday

    My weather app said -8 degrees and my car said -1. Take your pick, they’re both too cold. Expecting a high of 28 degrees, that’s a positive but it will be cold again tonight. Just dropped my car off to have the oil changed and walked over to a favorite coffee shop. This is an image from 2009 and also has that cold feel. Stay warm or dry wherever you are.

  • Black and White,  Documentary/Street



    Reflecting back over my life I see a pattern where I’ve lived much of my life seeking to fill some void. I’m now aware this void is more of a spiritual hunger. It’s not a religious hunger, although I looked there. Maybe this assumed void has really been some subconscious spiritual part of me calling from within. It’s a new way of thinking and living in my life and sharing a bit of that with you.