• architecture

    Fourth Floor

    Fourth Floor

    When I’m flying and the weather is cold and snowing I do not always want to venture outside. I find walking around my hotels to be a form of stress relief and easier to do in short periods. So here is another image taken in stairwell at one of the hotels. The ordinary seen in black and white.

  • Cityscapes/Urban

    Going for dinner

    The Underpass

    On one of our overnights all four crew members walked to a nearby restaurant for something to eat and unwind from a day of flying. Of course I carried the camera and as we walked under the underpass the light caught my attention. I stopped and took a couple of images. When I stopped, they all stopped and waited. They tolerate me, too.

  • Art/Design

    Morning Light and Shadows

    Morning Light and Shadows

    I am sitting in my hotel room in Richmond, VA. The flying has been tough the last two days with all the snowy and cold weather moving across the country and pounding the eastern coast. Not much opportunity to get out and shoot so I grabbed one from a few days ago. It is lightly snowing now and expected to continue through the night.  This was taken a few days ago and is one of those images where I just wanted to fire off a few shots of whatever I was around. Love to hear the shutter.

  • Art/Design,  writing/reading

    White knuckles

    Tight Grip

    Working as a flight attendant I get to see people who are afraid to fly. They will have a tight grip on the armrest, breathing is short, eyes are open wide and constantly searching all that is around them, ears are alert to every sound. Once the aircraft lifts from the ground their bodies tighten and become rigid. Fear is in control.

    Fear runs ramp-id in our world, cheating some of us from living life to its fullest. The biggest regrets in my life have been those times I failed to try due to fear of failure, which is failure. I wonder how many images I have missed because I was white knuckling it. Each day I have the chance to experience life outside my comfort zone and maybe learn something wonderful. It’s all about letting go and trusting.