• Black and White,  quotes,  shadows

    The Holiness of the Moment

    “We forget that the path to God is bound up with our life in the world. Evidence of our spiritual mastery lies in our ever-deepening, continuously expanding humanity. The trick is to be as fully present as possible to the holiness of each moment.”

    Mirabai Starr

    I walk by this wall each morning on the way to and from one of my favorite coffee shops. I admittedly often pass, giving it only a mindless quick glance. At other times I can be more present, walking in my shoes rather than wandering aimlessly in my head. This morning I noticed! As it’s an east facing wall these shadows dance on the brick wall as the sun rises above the houses until mid day. Not only do these shadows create art on the wall, and a photo opportunity, they share with me the time of season. Soon to be filled with leaves these shadows will look differently. I’m hoping my noticing is a sign of being more present to life, expanding my humanity. So I accepted the holiness of the moment and sharing it with you. 

  • leaves,  musings,  nature

    I truly believe…

    The less we allow ourselves to be touched by nature or to be present to nature the less we will believe nature to be the foundation of our life, that we are an essential part of nature and the less we will know about ourselves. When we do not know ourselves we are incapable of knowing others, yet we will think we do. Just watch how someone who thinks they know-it-all treats you and all of creation. I truly believe that what we do to the earth we are doing to ourselves, and the way we treat nature is the way we treat all of humanity and all of creation. I pray we lovingly touch nature and allow nature to lovingly touch us.

    We awoke to a heavy fog and had a layer of ice to scrape off of the windshield. Now off to coffee. Stay warm!

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunsets

    Humanity’s Wholeness

    Humanity’s great wisdom traditions are given not to compete with each other but to complete each other. We need each other as much as the species of the earth need one another to be whole.

    John Philip Newell

    This past Thursday and Friday brought rain showers while in Phoenix. Along with the light rain we were given a couple of beautiful sunsets. This is looking east off the back patio of Marcee and John’s home last Friday evening. Our skies look different this morning in Colorado as we have overcast skies and wind gusting up to 30mph. Leaves tumbled and danced in front of me as I walked to coffee. Made me smile. It looks and feels like late fall. I have an MRI this afternoon at 5:00 pm as they continue testing. I like Newells quote and pray for humanity’s wholeness!

  • Avian,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Saving the world…

    Red-tail Hawk soaring above Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Would you like to save the world from the degradation and destruction it seems destined for? Then step away from shallow mass movements and quietly go to work on your own self-awareness. If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.

    Lao Tzu, 4th-6th century BCE

    Seems we were not being very good guardians of the world even back then. However his solution is quite simple: work on our own self-awareness, offering the greatest gift we have.