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    Gathering Wisdom

    The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.

    Isaac Asimov

    There are many who are wise and do not have degrees or a data bank full of information. My experience has taught me that the only source for wisdom is not to be found in a book, wikipedia, social media, the college campus, Dr. Google or listening to my ego. It’s rather easy to gain information, or misinformation, but gaining wisdom primarily requires the lessons learned from life experiences, plus knowledge. The failures, mistakes, pain, suffering, self-examination and a dose of humiliation have been my greatest teachers. I’ve heard it said the wise know they don’t know the answers. They do not tell us what they know, they will only share their experiences of life with us. Then for us to be wise we will need to listen to those who are wise and learn from them. Sure rings true for me. I’ve come to see how those who have a practice of prayer and meditation, spending time in solitude, silence, and nature, have learned to listen to the voice of their innermost self. Makes me wonder if that is the source of our deepest wisdom? Have a wonderful weekend!