• Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  reflections

    …to become new of soul

    “We go to prayer to be transfigured ourselves, to come to see the world as God sees the world, to practice the presence of God, to put on a heart of justice, of love, and of compassion for others. We go to become new of soul.”

    Joan Chittister

    Awoke to heavy fog, so needless to say I was excited. I needed to meet friends for breakfast on the east side of town so I drove to Arapaho Bend Natural Area for fog images first. Surprisingly no fog as it all seemed to be along the foothills. Not to be dismayed I pulled over, setup my tripod and camera because there had to be an image offered. And, there was. It’s simple and there is a small amount of fog/mist sitting on the water’s surface on the far side where there is some shade. I would have loved to stay and pray in that sacred place but needed to meet my friends. I must say breakfast and conversation was great and is its own form of prayer! Hope you have a great Saturday!!

  • journal,  journaling,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Vulnerable Writing

    Writing makes a person vulnerable. It opens you to public criticism, to ridicule, to rejection. But it also opens conversation and thought. It stirs minds, and touches hearts. It brings us into contact with our souls. So how can it possibly be a waste of time, an idle act, a mistake, a betrayal of truth? Who can possibly tell us not to do it?

    Joan Chittister

    I have two outlets for writing, my journal and this blog. Reflecting back, I believe journaling was a way to ask questions in hopes of understanding my confused life. I journal about my deepest fears, secrets, dreams, my spiritual journey, ask questions and use it as a way to put into words how I see and experience this beautiful world. Over time my journals have evolved into more of a letter/prayer addressed to myself, the Divine within me and my children. It has become an enjoyable daily habit.

    I also use this blog as a place of vulnerable writing. It is here I express my feelings and thoughts, use it as conversation to keep in touch with those who read my blog, and also attempt to put into words how I experience this world. I place myself in a vulnerable place when I post in both my words and images. I enjoy the risk.

    But, I also hear those voices telling me I can’t write, I have nothing important to say and only certain gifted people are writers. But, the truth is no one can tell us we are not writers. Today, I can say I’m grateful for these outlets on writing and the adventure of finding questions that lead to more questions. And so I agree with Chittister, writing makes a person vulnerable.

  • clouds,  landscape,  musings,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Middle of the Road

    Nothing of the inherent beauty of life will be found in the grasping for life’s gadgets.

    Joan Chittister

    One of the reasons I come here is because there isn’t much traffic, no sirens. I’m standing in the middle of Weld County Road 90 about a quarter of a mile from the Weld County and Larimer County lines. With no traffic there is no city noise pollution. Instead there are plenty of birds to sing for me and the breeze feels wonderful. Have a wonderful day!

  • fountain pens,  journal,  journaling,  quotes,  writing/reading

    The wind and cold

    “We don’t change as we get older – we just get to be more of what we’ve always been.”

    Joan D. Chittister

    The 2-4 inches of snow I expected to wake up to did not materialize. Nary a snowflake. But, we do have the wind and cold. I understand that they do have blizzard conditions on the eastern plains. I am inside listening to the wind and feeling the deep cold. I met some high school classmates for lunch today. Sadly I find two more classmates have died in the past month. Have slippers on and I’m in for the night. Hope you are staying warm and dry.

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunsets

    Does that make sense?

    “I began to trust the questions themselves to lead me beyond answers to understanding, beyond practice to faith”

    Joan Chittister

    There was a time in my life when I felt lost, confused…looking for answers. I had no desire to get up in the morning and face another day. Thankfully I’ve moved on from that place and time. I’ve discovered the answers are not as important to me anymore, but the questions are. I continue to search out more questions which leads me to some understanding which leads to more questions. I began to trust in just asking the questions. I lost interest in the answers and embraced the understanding needed to ask the next question. Does that make sense?

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunsets


    “Our role in life is to bring the light of our own souls to the dim places around us.”

    Joan Chittister

    I have met people who shine outward. It can be seen in their eyes, smile and body language. I have witnessed the robins also shine brightly as they sing from a perch nearby. I have witnessed the sun peeking through clouds bringing sunbeams that brighten our souls. Oh, that I also may bring a light to the dim places around me.