• quotes

    Lack of Maturity

    The way we treat the body of creation is, in the end, the way we treat the body of humanity.

    John Philip Newell

    I easily want to attribute this scene found near campus to college students , and I may be correct in that assumption, but that isn’t always the case. However, I would suggest a lack of maturity is probably behind this scenes rather than pointing to any specific group. I admit my lack of maturity at 25 allowed me to partake in shenanigans, such as tossing beer cans out the car window. This photo is a good demonstration of how we treat creation when it is seen as only an object. It’s not a pretty image and has me asking the question, how do I/we treat the body of humanity?

  • architecture,  quotes,  shadows

    Perceive the Wisdom

    When we perceive the wisdom that is in other human beings we are less prone to treat them as objects for our own purposes.

    John Philip Newell

    I saw this scene while waiting at a doctors office last week. I loved how the morning sun was casting its light across the framed photo and the wall. I grabbed my camera but before I could take the photo a man stood in front of the window casting his shadow in the scene. It wasn’t what I wanted so I waited and eventually got what I wanted. It was a windy day yesterday but we reached a nice warm 57 degrees. Today is supposed to be the same. However, we could see snow by Friday

    As I’ve grown older matured in my wisdom, I have learned to perceive the wisdom in other human beings. I would like to believe that’s happened because I’m seeing with different eyes and with a different perspective than in my youth. And I would hope they perceive within me a wisdom. Have a wonderful day.

  • quotes,  shadows,  snow,  winter scenes

    More Snow Bubbles

    “If we are to see a true reawakening to the sacredness of the Earth and harness the deepest energy of our being to serve this awareness, we need a strong inner authority in our own souls to challenge the religious, political, and social systems that have recklessly ignored or denied this sacredness and are imperiling the very future of the world.”

    John Philip Newell, Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul

    I write this post from the warmth of a coffee shop with a beautifully crafted mocha latte in front of me. We had a magnificent Colorado sunrise that brought a smile to my face and a spark of joy in my heart. This past snowfall gave us a taste of the beauty of our winter wonderland. We still have cold temperatures but with the help of the suns rays, the snow melts, offering its life source into the soil. I love the sacredness and beauty nature offers, even snow bubbles.

  • leaves,  quotes,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes

    Journey to Wholeness

    Sacred wisdom is deep in our nature. The journey to wholeness is about awakening to this wisdom deep within and seeking it everywhere, in every culture and every religion.

    John Philip Newell

    The snow finally let up about 11:00 this morning. My guess is 6-8 inches of snow with a fine layer of ice beneath the powdery snow. Restless by noon I took the Number 2 bus to campus then walked over to Mugs. This snowfall has been beautiful, a winter wonderland that excited this photographer’s shutter finger. I like how snow can hide something or highlight it. I pretty much had the coffee shop to myself as many students are still on break and the snow kept many people home. Therefore my baristas, Emma and James, spoiled me. I had my Old Town Mocha and one of their November Specials, a bowl of butternut squash soup. It hit the spot.

    I really like Newell’s quote above. He touches on four things that have become important in my journey of life. They are sacred, wisdom, nature and awakening. I say that because I’m awakening to some knowing deep within me that every human being, creature, plant, all of creation is sacred. I am also wakening to the idea that maybe we are all made from the same speck of stardust of our creator. Anyway, here are a few images from this afternoon’s journey to wholeness and some damn good butternut squash soup on this rather frigid Saturday.

  • natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes

    The Treasure of Wisdom

    The empty bench at Pineridge Natural Area

    We need to open to the treasure of wisdom in traditions other than our own. Not only have they much to teach us, but they also hold the key to unlocking depths within our own religious inheritance that we know nothing of as yet.

    John Philip Newell

    I personally have enjoyed seeking the treasures within wisdom traditions through reading and studying them. Yet, one of the best treasures for me has been the reading and studying of this book of nature, which I never thought of as a wisdom tradition. I’ve found this book to be endless in the wisdom it shares with me when I open myself to it. It is also a very experiential book where wisdom is felt, smelled, heard and tasted. I have this desire to continue to read and study it.

    We did not get the amount of snow predicted but we sure got the cold temperatures. I made my way to Starry Night for a mocha and one of their lemon-cranberry scones this morning. Glad to say I had no guilty feelings about that scone at all. I then walked a bit at Pineridge Natural Area to experience the quiet. The light wind and humidity penetrated my clothing, letting me know it felt much colder than the 18 degrees. The roads are icy so I’m home for the day. Will be reading off and on today and if I can find the gumption I’ll clean the bathroom. If not, well…. I’ll start another book. Stay warm!

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunsets

    Humanity’s Wholeness

    Humanity’s great wisdom traditions are given not to compete with each other but to complete each other. We need each other as much as the species of the earth need one another to be whole.

    John Philip Newell

    This past Thursday and Friday brought rain showers while in Phoenix. Along with the light rain we were given a couple of beautiful sunsets. This is looking east off the back patio of Marcee and John’s home last Friday evening. Our skies look different this morning in Colorado as we have overcast skies and wind gusting up to 30mph. Leaves tumbled and danced in front of me as I walked to coffee. Made me smile. It looks and feels like late fall. I have an MRI this afternoon at 5:00 pm as they continue testing. I like Newells quote and pray for humanity’s wholeness!

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  rants,  writing/reading

    Dream World

    On a drive down Rist Canyon I came upon this tree shrouded in clouds and mist.

    “Too often in the past our approach to truth has been to assume that we have it and others do not. Consequently, we have thought that our role is to tell people what to believe. We are being invited instead into a new humility, to serve the holy wisdom that is already stirring in the hearts of people everywhere, the growing awareness of earth’s interrelatedness and sacredness.”

    John Philip Newell

    I went to a local coffee shop to sit outside and journal but that did not happen. There was a group of men gathered around a couple tables talking loudly, wearing shirts that told you their political opinions, one of them packing a gun. We are faced daily with people telling us what to believe, their truth, from all different perspectives. It was not a comfortable place, so I left. I went where I could listen to the birds sing. They make more sense to me and I love their music.

    What would our world be like if people spent time in nature? Would there be an experience of the awareness of our interrelatedness and sacredness that Newell talks about? How would that change us? Maybe we’d realize we need to be students rather than know-it-alls. Or worse yet, think we need to change the world but not ourselves.