• clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    No asphalt here…

    Predawn panorama at Pineridge Natural Area

    “The soil under the grass is dreaming of a young forest, and under the pavement the soil is dreaming of grass.”

    Wendell Berry

    I am grateful for the natural areas and the city of Fort Collins for setting aside these areas. They protect nature from those who want to profit from them and destroy the dreams of the soil. Because it was a beautiful day of blue sky and sunshine, I spent some time at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area this afternoon and journaled. I thought about people who know nothing but the asphalt, concrete and noise of big cities. For them to be present to the silence of the sunrise above or to look out over a vast horizon, could be startling if not frightening to them. So, this evening I’m aware of how lucky, blessed, and grateful I am to have these sanctuaries to experience. I will end with words written in my journal today: No asphalt here…

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes

    A wonderful opportunity!

    Afternoon clouds along the Colorado Front Range

    God is the internal voice calling me to give myself to the fullness of life.

    Joan Chittister

    It makes no difference what we chose to call that internal voice. What matters is being silent enough to listen then giving myself to the task of living the fullness of life. It has been a learning process for me and a wonderful opportunity! Happy birthday to those celebrating their birthday on this leap year!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

    The Offering of Hope

    Sunday morning sunrise

    Third day in a row of almost cloudless skies. Rather unusual for Colorado. I watched as the orange globe rose above the horizon, casting its sunbeams on everyone. Nature repeats this each morning yet it is never the same. This morning it’ a’s an offering of hope, the promise of new beginnings, and a prayer for world peace. Enjoy your Sunday!!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes

    Wimped Out

    All nature is waiting for us to become conscious because there’s a particular quality of consciousness that only humans can provide. Nature needs that consciousness; cries out for it. And the process of deciphering Nature’s need, then discovering how to respond to it, is what’s called learning to become human.

    Peter Kingsley

    It’s Sunday morning with clear skies, sunshine and cold. I had no desire to stand in the cold for the sunrise so I made my way to the coffee shop. I chose an Old Town Mocha made by Emma and a cozy chair over cold hands and feet. Even forced myself to eat a glazed donut later. 😁 This image was taken two days ago before yesterday’s snowfall. This same scene would be much whiter this morning but I wimped out. Well maybe I’m getting wiser, more selective or learning to become human. Yea, that’s it, I’m getting wiser! Enjoy your Sunday!

  • landscape,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    That’ll make things better…

    The great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth. This alignment destroys the commonwealth – that is, the natural wealth of localities and the local economies of household, neighborhood, and community – and so destroys democracy, of which the commonwealth is the foundation and practical means.

    Wendell Berry

    There’s a tendency to miss the predawn colors when you arrive a bit late to Pineridge Natural Area. However, if you hang around a while you may see the sun rising over a bank of clouds along the eastern horizon. Snow was still on the ground when I took this image last week and the waters of Dixon Reservoir were free of ice. Both are signs we will see more waterfowl and the songbirds will be returning. Yet, winter is not done as snow is expected to start tonight and into tomorrow. With snow coming I thought it would be wise to put on a crockpot of chili soup. Surely, that’ll make things better.

    I find it sad that we have a country that aligns political power with wealth, where wealth is almost always defined and associated with money. But wealth has other meanings such as having enough to share essentials with others, work to support a family, medical assistance for everyone, inclusivity and equality and a home to protect us from the elements. Berry uses a good word, “commonwealth.” Personally wealth includes being healthy in body, mind and spirit, laughter with family and friends, moments of serenity and peace, prayer and meditation time, grieving the loss of a loved one, listening to a meadowlarks song and the opportunity to watch a morning sunrise. However, I will include that crockpot of chili soup that’s cooking.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    A Touch of Red

    Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond and we cease to be alone.

    Wendell Berry

    Today is National Wear Red Day. This National Wear Red Day is a movement to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease and help save lives. It seems nature wanted to join in by providing a touch of red on the eastern horizon. So, I’m wearing red!

    Rain is expected later this evening then turning to a snow/rain mix by morning. Nothing threatening but I must say any moisture is welcome. I was wide awake about 4:21 am. and got up around 4:30 am. I had my quiet time, a bowl of cereal then headed to one of my common grounds, Pineridge Natural Area. Glad I did!! Now doing laundry and clouds have moved in already! Enjoy your Friday!!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes

    Another Blue Sky

    Before we get the incoming stormy weather this weekend I spent a quiet afternoon yesterday at one of the natural areas. Seemed several people had similar ideas. The trails were busy with walkers, joggers and bicyclists. I also noticed a few dogs out walking their owners.

    Another blue sky with a few clouds sprinkled in was just what I needed.

    Let me always be who I am, and then some.

    Mary Oliver

    I sat on a favorite bench to journal and noticed that even though it was busy there was a quiet around me. I would guess 85% of the Dixon Reservoir is still frozen, therefore no waterfowl. The warm sun and quiet stirred my desire to see spring and the return of our song birds. We are extremely dry so I hope this incoming snow brings the much needed moisture. We could also use a nice wet spring. Shot this image with that old Fujifilm XT-10 and XF18-55mm lens. Happy Thursday!!!