• Dewdrops,  flowers,  Plants,  quotes

    Through the dewdrops

    “One discovers the light in darkness, that is what darkness is for; but everything in our lives depends on how we bear the light”

    James Baldwin

    We had our first frost of the season last night which meant I had to scrape frost from the windshield. But, these brisk mornings have a way of waking you up or at least perking you up. We had 33 degrees at 6:15 am and blue skies so far. I did not have a good nights sleep as my mind kept wanting to live tomorrow rather than relax and let my body rest. Could be a nap on my agenda this afternoon. This image was taken Wednesday morning on my way to meet Mark for breakfast. These flowers were outside the restaurant and I loved how they were bearing the light through the dewdrops. Enjoy your Saturday!

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes

    …honor the world

    Photography by nature is spiritual considering, it comes from the darkness to show the light.

    Kevin Russo

    I was told the other day by someone that they no longer look my sunrise images. However, I’ve come to know that the beginning of a new day offers a unique sunrise, there is no other like it, and if I’m present to it then it’s another opportunity to live one more day. So for me a sunrise is a sacred moment, where we move from darkness to light. In a Mary Oliver poem called The Swan she writes, Of course the path to heaven doesn’t lie in flat miles. It’s in the imagination with which you perceive this world, and the gestures with which you honor it. My presence and the photographs I capture is my act of receiving this morning’s predawn sky and is my gesture to honor the world. I will probably keep doing that to my last breath.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  quotes

    Light is our paint brush

    The greatest tool at our command is the very thing that is photography. Light. Light is our paint brush and it is a most willing tool in the hands of the one who studies it with a sufficient care.

    Laura Gilpin

    Sometimes it all comes together and sometimes it don’t. Maybe the latte art is almost perfect and maybe the latte taste is almost perfect. But maybe the two coming together is what makes it perfect. It is overcast this morning with low clouds and high humidity so a latte is the main focus for this Friday.

    In reference to the quote, I do know after a fews years exploring photography, taking a lot of lousy photos, even disgusting photos, that light is so important to my photography. I know that today would be a great day for portraits with all this diffused light. Sure not a morning for a bright shiny sunrise.

    Have a celebration of life for a friend tomorrow who died a week ago at way too young of an age. She had a difficult life and I will miss her. May you have a wonderful weekend and find some good light to paint with! 🤗

  • pond,  reflections,  water

    Zooming In

    A great photograph is a distillation, a reduction of the chaos of our wider experience to a visually satisfying essence where what is excluded is as important as what is included.

    David Ward

    Took my camera for a short walk around my ponds yesterday. The afternoon sun was breaking through the overcast skies and reflecting light off the soft ripples drifting across the pond. I zoomed in to focus only on the ripples and reflections and remove the chaos. When I head out of town to some place of quiet or one of the natural areas I am also reducing the chaos of life, zooming in.

    Snow is expected tonight and into tomorrow with accumulations of 6-11 inches. I have doctor appointments today, tomorrow and Thursday. Some are consultations and some are tests. Wherever you are stay dry, warm and out of trouble.

    And today is my dads 94th birthday! Happy birthday dad!!!!

  • moon,  Rumi,  shadows,  street photography

    A perfect day for reading

    Full moon at the bus stop on my way to the coffee shop

    “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”


    It’s been cold, windy and gusty today. The sun has peaked in and out of a cloudy blue/gray sky. And, when the sun does break through everything lights up, glowing brilliantly. I found it to be a perfect day for reading. I’ve gained enough wisdom to know I’m unable to change the world or the people in it but I’m only able to change how I interact with the world and the people in it, which is far more important. It also follows that when I change, the world is changed in some small way.

    Those who are dealing with the power of Nicole please be safe.

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunsets


    “Our role in life is to bring the light of our own souls to the dim places around us.”

    Joan Chittister

    I have met people who shine outward. It can be seen in their eyes, smile and body language. I have witnessed the robins also shine brightly as they sing from a perch nearby. I have witnessed the sun peeking through clouds bringing sunbeams that brighten our souls. Oh, that I also may bring a light to the dim places around me.