• clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

    Lightning Storm on the Horizon

    We had a nice rain early yesterday morning. And, knowing these clouds were moving east, I went to PNA (Pineridge Natural Area) just in case nature was putting on any sort of performance. She did! If memory serves me this is my first ever, and only, image of a bolt of lightning. My camera settings were iso 400, aperture f5.6 and a 10 second exposure. I spent most of my 20 minutes there just sitting on the bench soaking it all in, taking only 21 images in that time period. What a gift to watch the power of nature. But for me the gift of the bolt of lightning was an extra perk for me. Later in the morning it began to rain and we enjoyed a steady rain the rest of the day. My area weather map says we got about .8 inch of rain the past 24 hours.

    Met Eric and Raja for coffee and conversation this morning, always a good start to a weekend. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  reflections,  sunrises

    The Morning After

    I was awakened around 2:00 am with flashes of lightning bursting in my bedroom. I could hear and feel rumbles of thunder while the rain pounded on my bedroom window. Sounded like one of those storms my dad would call a toad-strangler. I layed there with a heart full of thanks, thankful for the comfort and protection of my condo and how rain is such a refreshing gift of nature. In my mind I envisioned a predawn eastern sky with scattered clouds above the horizon, perfect for a photo. ❤️ A couple hours later with that vision in my mind I headed out to Pineridge Natural Area. So, when I say morning after in the title I’m talking about the thunderstorm and not any overindulgence from the night before. Thankful those days no longer exist in my life. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!

  • clouds,  Family,  Fujifilm X-T3,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  storm clouds

    Congratulations Abbie!!

    Storm clouds to the northwest at Reservoir Ridge

    I took this image last night as storms moved through to the north and the south of us bringing heavy rain, lightning and thunder both directions. Surprisingly we stayed dry. Man, I love the beauty of clouds even though there can be a lot of damage from their power. They never stay the same, always changing.

    I have been surprised with all the birthday wishes from  family and friends. This is my 70th year or just over 25,550 days counting leap years. Thanks to everyone! 

    This afternoon I will be heading to my oldest daughters house for a BBQ and celebrate my oldest granddaughters college graduation. She was not able to walk for her graduation from CSU due to the COVID-19 issue. She has worked hard for this, changed her major three times and did the six year plan. Congratulations Abbie!!!!! I love you. ❤️ 

  • flowers,  Plants,  poems

    The Storm Has Passed

    Salsify found at Pineridge Natural Area last week

    There is buried within us
    a beauty hidden so deep
    that we would think
    it would sleep forever.
    But there are those,
    whose eyes so luminous shine,
    they reflect upon our universe
    the light of the Divine. 

    Reflection by Edwina Gateley

    High winds began around 7:00 pm last night. About the time I went to bed we were experiencing lightning, thunder, rain and hail.  Made for a rather noisy night. This morning it is overcast, gusting winds and cold at 48 degrees. Does not feel close to what we’d expect of a June morning but the storm has passed.

    I sit here watching the trees sway with the wind. As clouds move east, patches of blue sky appear allowing the light of the sun to peek through clouds. I choose to see it as a promise of a brighter day.

    I have met people whom the poet is describing and what a difference they make in this world. They are the ones who shine their light when the darkness of the storm is all we see. I believe more people are shining that much needed Divine light in our world. So, I choose to see that as a promise this morning. Maybe the storm of our troubled world has passed over.

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  poems,  poetic journal,  writing/reading

    This Gift of Wonder

    Storm clouds on the canvas

    Fascinating, clouds on the horizon
    causing me to stop, to feel them deeply
    within, yet so far in the distance.

    Such power visible on the canvas sky
    hail, rain, thunder, lightning
    forever playing with color and form.

    With awe, I watch the creator create
    while I, a child caught in enchantment 
    accepting this gift of wonder.


    Happy Birthday, Sheree. You are such a gift of wonder! I love you! ❤️