• Holiday Seasons,  Holidays

    Merry Christmas

    As I mentioned in my last post I had open heart surgery on Dec 5th. All went well during surgery, that was a piece of cake, but the recovery is not for the faint of heart. The valve is  21mm piece of cow and I have no idea what part of the cow. My hospital stay of 4-5 days became 9 days due to a couple of hiccups. I had a mild stroke on my left side but all is good now with no side effects. I also had retention after removing the catheter which added a couple of days. On Wednesday, a week after surgery my heart went into AFIB which extended my stay one more day.

    Good to be home but do not have much energy. Doctors tell me to expect that for about 2 months.  I’m finding out how little patience I have.

    I cannot say enough for the nursing staff of the cardio ICU and the cardio RU. Awesome people who dedicate themselves to keepin people alive. I can also say that about the surgery staff. I was impressed when they all walked into my room the morning I left and signed the heart shaped coughing pillow for my sternum.

    Thanks for prayers and thoughts and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.