• Art,  Art/Design,  Cityscapes/Urban,  Documentary/Street

    Pianos About Town

    Old Town Piano Playing
    Old Town Piano Playing

    Pianos About Town is a collaborative project among Bohemian Foundation, the Downtown Development Authority and the City of Fort Collins. Each of these entities brings their own passion and expertise to the Pianos About Town project to produce a whimsical, interactive artistic installation, adding an element of surprise to Fort Collins. The concept behind Pianos is twofold: (1) for residents and visitors to experience seeing art in action as the pianos are painted in public by local artists, and (2) for residents to have the opportunity to both play the pianos and enjoy them as works of art as we rotate the finished pianos about town. A couple weeks ago I watched and talked to the artist on this piano named Gail Whitman. Each artist is given a theme and two weeks to paint the piano in the town square. She did a heck of job as was the young man tickling the ivory was not doing too bad.

  • architecture,  music

    The Studio

    The Studio

    I’m not musically inclined except in my imagination or in the shower and there is no need to prove it, just take my word for it. However, some people are musically inclined, they practice the craft and bring enjoyment to people. This image was taken at some friends home back in 2005. I liked how the room was set up and the light so I took several images. They have sat dormant until today when they caught my attention. Surprisingly I took 36 images but when post processing them I did very little. I converted one to black and white then left them alone. Again, this is another example of how we can be attracted to a scene, take the images and then later on be inspired to work on them. Anyway, here’s the studio.

    I’m off to the mountains to help a friend shoot a wedding today, near Estes Park. It will be a long day. Enjoy your Saturday.

  • Art/Design

    A New Crop

    Piano Keys

    And, no I’m not talking about corn or wheat. Some times we need to get in close to eliminate distractions. I posted this image previously here and now with a slightly different crop. I found the door hinge to be distracting so I eliminated it. What do you think?

  • Art/Design

    Piano Keys


    Piano Keys
    Piano Keys

    While wandering around the hotel in Atlanta I came across this piano located above the lobby. As a crazy photographer will do I walked all around and shot a few images looking for something that works for me. Hope you like it.

  • Photography,  reflections,  Travel

    Showing Our Colors

    Showing Our Colors
    Showing Our Colors

    Over time, photographers will learn to see the world differently. They see colors, patterns that were just glanced over in the past. They learn to see the unexpected. Once we find a subject of interest we will work around the subject looking for special lighting or angle that helps us present the object of interest to our viewers. A few days ago I posted an image of a piano player at the Charlotte airport and had time to visit the piano again this week. No player this time but I did wander around and discovered this reflection of our American flag in the pianos  shiny surface. Sort of appropriate as we just had our election yesterday.

  • Candid Portraits,  Travel

    The Piano Player

    The Piano Player
    The Piano Player

    Centrally located in the food court at the Charlotte Airport is a piano. While waiting for a flight we listened to this man play a few songs. His music was relaxing and comforting especially in the hustle and bustle of airport travel. I really liked the setting; how he was dressed (love the cap) and especially the light. With all the busyness of the airport it was difficult to just get him and the piano. I tried to get as many images as possible, looking for angles to remove disruptive background and yet include both him and the piano. This is the image I selected to post because to me it shows his enjoyment of playing and his focus. He seems so relaxed. I also thought he was pretty good.