• clouds,  gratitude,  lake,  landscape,  reflections,  sunsets,  writing/reading

    Four years ago today

    Sunset over Rigden Reservoir

    … I had my heart surgery, where they replaced my aortic valve. So, I thought I’d share my gratitude list with you today as it follows the theme of my last posting: 

      • Thankful for a healthy heart and it’s as full as it is 
      • Thankful for time with family and friends
      • Thankful for the opportunity to enjoy the things that have become such a gift in my life such as time with nature, photography, blogging, conversations with family and friends
      • Thankful for my prayer and meditation times
      • Thankful for my journals, fountain pens and the words I uncover with them
      • Thankful I can experience and enjoy each new sunrise and sunset
      • Thankful for another day to venture into a coffee shop to visit my favorite baristas
      • Thankful for the chance to read poetry, which I’d never done before
      • Thankful for the chance to try my hand at poetry, haiku
      • Thankful for the chance to create more of my photo books to share my photography and my words
      • Thankful for my home and the remodeling this past year
      • Thankful for blueberries in my Irish Oats 😂
      • Thankful for DQ Blizzards 😂
      • Thankful for my camera upgrade 2 years ago and a lust for the next upgrade 😂
      • Thankful that what I have is enough and in all honesty do not need anything more than what is already in my life
      • Thankful that there are still those who embrace love, compassion, serenity, joy, hope, peace and …. ❤️
    • moon,  Rumi,  shadows,  street photography

      A perfect day for reading

      Full moon at the bus stop on my way to the coffee shop

      “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”


      It’s been cold, windy and gusty today. The sun has peaked in and out of a cloudy blue/gray sky. And, when the sun does break through everything lights up, glowing brilliantly. I found it to be a perfect day for reading. I’ve gained enough wisdom to know I’m unable to change the world or the people in it but I’m only able to change how I interact with the world and the people in it, which is far more important. It also follows that when I change, the world is changed in some small way.

      Those who are dealing with the power of Nicole please be safe.

    • fountain pens,  journal,  musings,  writing/reading

      A Shift in the Universe

      I finished reading this book about a week ago. It took me several weeks to read it as I needed to verify a lot of the information they presented, which really turned out to be a good exercise. The authors describe themselves as urban mobility advocates, and they live such a life. What was provided was helpful in my understanding of how our country is so automobile centered in both how we live life and how we build our cities. This couple moved from Canada to the lowlands of South Holland, a country that has been in transition from automobile dependency to mass transit, bicycle and walking infrastructure since the 1970s. What they and Holland propose would require changes many in the US would resist. I’m not sure how I discovered their book, this is their second book, nor why I bought it. Maybe a major shift in the universe. Maybe it’s because I watch 75-100 cars pass while I wait at the bus-stop, each with one person in them, and this is during a 5 minute wait. I’ll write more about this later as I have a few thoughts that need formed and writing is a way for me to work them out. Hope you had a good weekend!

    • coffee life,  coffee shops,  poetic journal,  writing/reading

      A Good Book

      I don’t promote many books here but this is one that has impressed me; Braided Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Nor is this a book review. I must say I’m impressed with how she brings across her message of our need to connect with all of creation. We have lost that. She reminds us where our place is within creation, that we are part of creation and not superior to all of creation.

    • journal,  journaling,  writing/reading

      A Creative Pursuit

      I’ve discovered the power words have to tell a story from my experience of journaling, reading books and writing and reading blog posts. Words have the ability to touch something within the writer and the reader. I’m seeing words as lovely seeds within each of us that make these stories. And, these stories come to fruition only when they are nurtured to life through our actions of writing them and sharing them. This blog post would not exist unless I write it and post it. Whether it’s content is good or bad is irrelevant. So at this time in my life, I’m comfortable to sit before a blank page in my journal or sit before a blank monitor and ask for words to share. It’s all a creative pursuit. Have a great week!

    • landscape,  seasons,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes

      Keeping Peace Alive

      More blue skies

      With our our country’s political strife, the pandemic and world violence it is vital for us to keep our inner peace and sanity. So, I wanted to share a question with you that I came across yesterday. I am going to use it as a seed in my meditations and to journal about over the next few days. How are you keeping peace alive in your heart and mind?

      Here are some of my ways: quiet time, prayer and meditation, time with nature, journaling, reading, photography, poetry, early mornings at coffee shops, healthy conversations with friends, daily walks and more… which is pretty much what I do every day. I must admit I’m concerned what impact our worlds insanity has on everyone especially those immediately impacted. It’s demonstrated to me how far reaching our actions have on others. Therefore, whatever simple actions I can do to keep peace within my heart and mind matters. And, I have no idea how my actions or words or prayers can reach out into the universe and positively affect others. Maybe just taking a “one-breath” meditation throughout the day will clear the mind, keeping peace alive in our hearts and minds and the world.

      We may get above 32 degrees today for the first time in 4 days. As my sister would say, I’m esscited!!!!

    • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  sunsets

      A paragraph at a time…

      “The acceptance of oneself is the essence of the whole moral problem and the epitome of a whole outlook on life. That I feed the hungry, that I forgive an insult, that I love my enemy in the name of Christ — all these are undoubtedly great virtues. What I do unto the least of my brethren, that I do unto Christ. But what if I should discover that the least among them all, the poorest of all the beggars, the most impudent of all the offenders, the very enemy himself — that these are within me, and that I myself stand in need of the alms of my own kindness — that I myself am the enemy who must be loved — what then? As a rule, the Christian’s attitude is then reversed; there is no longer any question of love or long-suffering; we say to the brother within us “Raca,” and condemn and rage against ourselves. We hide it from the world; we refuse to admit ever having met this least among the lowly in ourselves.”

      C.G. Jung

      Philosophy has had my interest for the past 25 years but reading some of it can be daunting for me. Yet I have this desire to know myself at a deep level, to gain some enlightenment of the struggles all humans face and more. I have read small bits and pieces of Carl Gustav Jung and know he has impacted many authors I read. I am currently reading my first of his books, The Undiscovered Self. With my thinker this may be a paragraph at a time. Wish me luck.😂

      It was three years ago today that I had my open heart surgery where they replaced my aortic valve. Emotional. Grateful.