• Plants,  trees

    The Quaking Leaves

    Cottonwood Tree

    A few days ago Mark Graf had a thought provoking post entitled The Passinate Observer. His post caused me to realize something about myself, and therefore this post. I believe photography has helped me develop into that Passionate Observer he talks about. Even though I am getting older, I am seeing things with newer eyes, that Passionate Observer. I dont just see a tree anymore but I take the time to look at the leaves, the bark, the bent and twisted trunks, the broken limbs, the birds nest or the raptor perched in search of prey. I walk up and touch it. Silly as it may seem I even talk to them. One morning I watched a couple intently walking the trail around Lake Ladora at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR. Their heads were down, focused on their stride and the conversation, yet never looking up at this tree. They ignored the yellow quaking leaves calling out to them.

    So, I agree with Mark and his quote by Diane Arbus, that in order for us to “capture some emotion” of what we felt we must first be observers, even simple observers. Then when we’re passionate about what we see, we have something special. Maybe this couple will be able to see the beauty of this tree, the art in nature, if we present it to them through our photography.

    And today is my moms 80th birthday, So, I’m in Phoenix to celebrate her special day.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  trees

    Time on Earth

    Rocky Mountain Arsenal

    The day started as I walked from my apartment to my car and made the half hour drive to the employee parking lot. I then jumped on a bus which took me to the airport. We only had one flight  for the day, ending our day in Omaha by mid morning. Our van driver informed us they were having an arts festival in the Market Area, so after changing clothes I grabbed my camera and headed that way. There were plenty of booths with artist selling their wares, and some really nice work, and of course plenty of food. I walked it twice and took several photos, visited with some of the artists and enjoyed the music by a group called Brule.

    After returning to my room I felt uneasy, with wandering thoughts and unable to focus. Restless, I felt the need to get out of the hotel, so more walking. Around the corner of our hotel is a sculpture park and that was the direction I headed. The sun was setting, casting long shadows as I found an open grassy area and sat down to take in the last of the days sun. It was at this time I realized I had not physically touched the earth since yesterday. With all the business of the day I realized I had been isolated me from the earth, always separated by a sidewalk, the pavement, a bus, the airport, the hotel. As I sat on that grassy area. everything in my soul again found rest, a little more serenity. I’m one of those people who really needs to spend more time on this earth.