• Cityscapes/Urban,  Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  seasons


    Focus is on the raindrops and not the busyness beyond

    … we are receiving some much needed rain this morning. It began raining just after I went to bed. Sometime during the night I could hear it pounding against my window. Awoke to lovely puddles of water. The little boy within was enticed enough to want to jump in them.

    A light mist was falling as I walked to the bus stop. About an hour later it was a steady rain again. I sat in one of the lounge chairs at the coffee shop, looking out the window and watching the refreshing gift descending. Like snow there is a certain silence in gentle rain, when we pause and listen. I listened this morning. Everything smells fresh and new. I feel the coolness on my body and there is rejoicing in my spirit, even a giggle. Have a wonderful day!

    Looking out the bus window at transit center on campus

    “Let’s just sit quietly and listen to the secrets the rain wants to tell us.”

    John Mark Green