• Avian,  landscape,  meadowlark,  poems

    For Solitude

    A meadowlark perched on the fence sings from the light of its soul

    May you recognize in your life the presence,
    power and light of your soul.

    May you realize that you are never alone,
    that your soul in its brightness and belonging
    connects you intimately with the rhythm of the

    May you have respect for your own individuality and

    May you realize that the shape of your soul is
    unique, that you have a special destiny here,
    that behind the facade of your life
    there is something beautiful and eternal happening.

    May you learn to see your self
    with the same delight,
    pride, and expectation
    with which God sees you in every moment.

    John O’Donohue from “To Bless the Space Between Us”
  • Avian,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area

    … all the above

    I have seen several Bullock’s Orioles around Dixon Reservoir at Pineridge Natural Area over the past week. This morning I walked on the west side of the reservoir along the water’s edge. I gratefully accepted this lovely image and the song that accompanied it. The males are a bright orange and easily seen by this new bird watcher. When I got home and saw this image I began to wonder if they sing their morning song of joy because they like the color they have be given, or they like to sing, or they’re happy or all the above?

  • Cactus,  Plants,  quotes

    And yet we worshiped

    “We had no churches, no religious organizations, no Sabbath day, no holidays, and yet we worshiped. Sometimes the whole tribe would assemble and sing and pray; sometimes a smaller number, perhaps only two or three.” 


    Took this on my walk at Pineridge Natural Area this past weekend. Like how the plant, and I do not know what it is, was backlit just for me. If you look closely you’ll notice a dragonfly caught in mid-flight to the left of center and a few other insects which are all backlit. Gonna be another hot day with temperatures in the mid 90’s. Stay cool!