• insects


    Female Black Widow

    I discovered this unwanted visitor near my front door. I would say she is about 3/4 inch long. Even at that length they are a danger and creepy. I was able to get a few photos before I quickly ended her life. Of course this caused me to do some research on these creatures of darkness and myth. They belong to a group known as cobweb spiders. Black widows get their common name from the popular belief that the female eats the male after mating, a phenomenon which rarely happens in nature. I’m sure that’s reassuring for any male black widow spider. Black widow venom is reported to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake’s, but because spiders deliver far less venom than snakes do, their bites — though painful — are a serious risk only to the very young and the very old. I place myself in the old category. Although I do not like spiders, I do not bother them, seldom killing them and aware they are a part of this world. They have a role of predator as well as prey. I did not like the fact that this gal was at my front door so that’s why I killed her. Then after I killed her my mind began to wonder: Where are the others? Did they see me kill her? Will they want revenge? Creepy to me!

  • flowers,  insects,  Plants

    Getting Close

    Well, so far I am pleased with the Fujifilm XF70-300mm f4.0-5.6 OIS WR. In the reviews I’ve read they talk about the close focusing ability of this lens and I find it to be true. All of these images were taken at 300mm and handheld.

    I am noticing quicker battery drainage but that may be caused by shooting more images as I learn, practice and experiment with thisl ens.

    This spider is about the size of a quarter. I am about three feet away and maybe could have gotten closer so the close focusing distance is good for me.

    Also, all images are cropped to some extent.

  • insects

    Making Eye Contact

    Making Eye Contact

    I’m not a fan of spiders even though I know they have a necessary place in our ecosystem. They help manage insect populations by eating lots of insects that cause harm to agriculture and insects that bother humans, such as mosquitos. They also supply food for birds, lizards, wasps and other animals. I don’t stomp on ’em like I have in the past but I do give them space because there is a venom in those bites. The junipers along the sidewalk leading to my front door have a few spiderwebs which usually means there’s spiders. So, I peaked and sure enough there were spiders. So, I grabbed the tripod and a macro and got down close. We were sure making eye contact when I took this image. I’m still not a fan of them and was wishing I had a longer macro. 🙂

  • insects,  Metro Parks

    After the Rain

    Daddy Longlegs

    After a night of rain and lightening the sun popped out around 9:00 in the morning, so off to Blendon Woods park I went. I needed the time at the park as I only had the one day off before heading out for another 4-day trip. When you read this I will be somewhere up there flying around. I had an enjoyable time and found a few things to place in my view finder, such as this Daddy Longlegs.