• clouds,  haiku,  landscape,  storm clouds,  writing/reading

    Wind Shaped Clouds

    captivating storm
    waves of ominous clouds
    solitary tree


    Took this late yesterday afternoon on Larimer County Road 3. What initially drew me to this scene was the clouds and then I saw the the solitary tree. The combination got me excited. These clouds were all around me but no rain. They are however, predicting rain later today and over the next 3-4 days. Had a short night of sleep and will probably nap on the plane. I’m almost packed and ready to leave. Have a great day!

  • clouds,  landscape,  lifestyles,  rants,  storm clouds,  writing/reading

    Storm Brewing

    Storm clouds brewing on the northern horizon

    Listening to the news grieves this heart.
    Voices cry warnings of a storm brewing
    somewhere, every day, every moment.

    I want to turn away from it all,
    cover my ears, bury my head in the sand, 
    still storm clouds rise on the far horizon.

    With diligence I stay alert listening to the
    thunder of lies, watching for lightning bolts of anger,
    each a sign of the growing storms of hatred.

    Oh, to wake from this nightmare, to discover
    instead, a sunlight of love rising on the horizon,
    offering us the gift hope. This is my prayer!


  • clouds,  Family,  Fujifilm X-T3,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  storm clouds

    Congratulations Abbie!!

    Storm clouds to the northwest at Reservoir Ridge

    I took this image last night as storms moved through to the north and the south of us bringing heavy rain, lightning and thunder both directions. Surprisingly we stayed dry. Man, I love the beauty of clouds even though there can be a lot of damage from their power. They never stay the same, always changing.

    I have been surprised with all the birthday wishes from  family and friends. This is my 70th year or just over 25,550 days counting leap years. Thanks to everyone! 

    This afternoon I will be heading to my oldest daughters house for a BBQ and celebrate my oldest granddaughters college graduation. She was not able to walk for her graduation from CSU due to the COVID-19 issue. She has worked hard for this, changed her major three times and did the six year plan. Congratulations Abbie!!!!! I love you. ❤️ 

  • clouds,  Fujifilm X-T3,  landscape,  Software,  storm clouds

    Passing Storm

    Passing storm at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    This image was taken last night as a nice rain storm was developing in the west. I could see the rain falling in the foothills so I drove out to the natural area. This allowed me to participate in the storm as it built up with wind, lightning, thunder and then the gentle rain. The image is a raw file using Adobe Landscape profile in Lightroom Classic. 

    I’m pleased with how solid the camera feels in my hands. The size and build are the draw even though there is a small weight increase. Also impressed with how snappy and quiet it can focus, which I would expect. The joystick is a joy!! I was pretty sure that it was going to be something I’d like. 

    I must admit I was overwhelmed when I first started reading the manual, even questioning my decision. There seemed so much to learn. I could not believe all the information provided in the viewfinder, to the point of almost forgetting to look at the subject when I first used it. But that has quickly died down by practicing with it. It will become second nature.

    I’ve only shot with raw files so still need to look at the jpeg files. The raw files are Huge! I’ve gone from about 30 meg to 50 meg, an increase of 30%. Glad I upgraded to the 4TB drives a few months ago. I imagine I will be deleting more images because of their size. 

  • clouds,  lake,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  sunsets

    Time at Prospect Ponds

    Storm clouds at Prospect Ponds last night

    After the nice rain yesterday afternoon I ventured out to Prospect Ponds to check out the clouds. Pulled up in the parking lot and was met with a double rainbow in the east. I stayed a while and walked among the ponds. Watching a young man teaching his girlfriend how to fly fish. Listened to the red-winged blackbirds and watched them catching insects in flight. And, of course fought a useless battle with the mosquitos. I stood ready as storm clouds were building up against the western horizon offering the beauty of nature painting on it’s delightful canvas sky. 

    A double rainbow at Prospect Ponds

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  poems,  poetic journal,  writing/reading

    This Gift of Wonder

    Storm clouds on the canvas

    Fascinating, clouds on the horizon
    causing me to stop, to feel them deeply
    within, yet so far in the distance.

    Such power visible on the canvas sky
    hail, rain, thunder, lightning
    forever playing with color and form.

    With awe, I watch the creator create
    while I, a child caught in enchantment 
    accepting this gift of wonder.


    Happy Birthday, Sheree. You are such a gift of wonder! I love you! ❤️