• Black and White,  Documentary/Street,  shadows

    Fellow Travelers

    I am a man of solitude, enjoying and relishing in silence away from the crowds. Yet, I believe the journey through life is not to be traveled alone that people are vital. I’ve discovered there are times in life we will need to walk alone while at other times we will travel with others. Some of those travellers will be family, friends and some will be strangers. Some will share similar visions and dreams. Some will support us in times of need while at other times we will support them. My hope is we do not see one another as other than and erect walls. I also believe when we’re free from the shackles of our fear of others we will we never get the sense any mountain is too high to scale, or any horizon is too far to conquer. When free from the shackles of fear the storm clouds on the horizon will not deter us from continuing on. May we believe that as we create relationships with all of creation we are also in the act of creating our world.

  • automobile,  Documentary/Street,  Transportation

    Car Show

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    This past Saturday they had a car show in Old Town. After coffee I meandered through the streets. Not sure how many cars they had but it was several blocks of cars. Its times like this when I wish I had one of these classics. I also found a couple of 56 Chevy’s which was the first car I ever had. I was impressed with how much care these owners gave their cars. What a beautiful day for it!

  • bicycles,  Black and White,  Documentary/Street


    It’s about time to get back on my bicycle after a long hiatus due to lack of energy, then surgery and recovery and now the weather is getting nice again. I’m now at a local coffee shop while I have some work done on my car. Seems it needs surgery, also. This image is one of the unique bicycle racks around town. Some are truly pieces of art.

    It looks like I will have surgery on my left on May 8th then the right eye on June 4th. I had some difficulty with insurance but that is all straightened out. I will be flying to Phoenix on May 10th to celebrate my parents 70th anniversary.