• clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  musings,  storm clouds,  writing/reading

    A Portrait of Nature

    Nature is a mirror in which I am reflected, because by rescuing this land from sad devastation [through recreating it in photographs], I am in fact trying to save myself from my own inner sadness.

    Mario Giacomelli

    This quote hits a sensitive spot because I am a witness to the sad devastation of nature. While out photographing the cloud formations during the afternoon thunderstorms this past week, I began reflecting on all the places I have photographed over the years which were free of signs of man’s intrusion. Sadly, I have been a witness to many of those scenes which no longer exist. Later, while studying this image I felt a feeling of inner sadness that someday this scene may be a housing development or warehouse or whatever. So, there is a stirring within me as the photographer Mario Giacomelli suggests, to seek out more portraits of Nature. She is so beautiful and as an artist she continues to create more beauty, while we destroy what she creates! And, I believe she is willing to have her portrait taken.

    I had never heard of Mario Giacomelli before. One reason is because the raw expressiveness of his images are not appealing to my style of photography. However, I will suggest this link for you read a bit about him and his photography. Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  reflections,  sunrises

    The Morning After

    I was awakened around 2:00 am with flashes of lightning bursting in my bedroom. I could hear and feel rumbles of thunder while the rain pounded on my bedroom window. Sounded like one of those storms my dad would call a toad-strangler. I layed there with a heart full of thanks, thankful for the comfort and protection of my condo and how rain is such a refreshing gift of nature. In my mind I envisioned a predawn eastern sky with scattered clouds above the horizon, perfect for a photo. ❤️ A couple hours later with that vision in my mind I headed out to Pineridge Natural Area. So, when I say morning after in the title I’m talking about the thunderstorm and not any overindulgence from the night before. Thankful those days no longer exist in my life. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  poems,  poetic journal,  writing/reading

    This Gift of Wonder

    Storm clouds on the canvas

    Fascinating, clouds on the horizon
    causing me to stop, to feel them deeply
    within, yet so far in the distance.

    Such power visible on the canvas sky
    hail, rain, thunder, lightning
    forever playing with color and form.

    With awe, I watch the creator create
    while I, a child caught in enchantment 
    accepting this gift of wonder.


    Happy Birthday, Sheree. You are such a gift of wonder! I love you! ❤️ 

  • clouds,  Plants,  trees

    Storm Clouds

    Storm Clouds in the West

    I drove out east to the Arapahoe Nature Area to watch and photograph the above storm as it slowly moved in a southeasterly direction. This path took the storm over the city of Fort Collins bringing heavy rains and small hail. As I drove towards town I met a jogger who was drenched and getting beat up with the hail. He was glad I picked him up, thanking me as I dropped him off at work. He was getting his lunch time run and had already run three miles with about three to go. That’s another reason for not jogging at my age.

  • insects

    Spring Comes Then…


    …comes thunderstorms, rains, the beauty and fragrance of flowers and blossoms, birds singing in the morning to brighten our days. But, right after Spring comes summer and of course butterflies. Can’t wait.