• Cityscapes/Urban

    Red Umbrellas


    Red Umbrellas
    Red Umbrellas in Crystal City, Virginia
    “To photograph truthfully and effectively is to see beneath the surfaces and record the qualities of nature and humanity which live or are latent in all things.”  Ansel Adams


  • animals

    City Fox


    City Fox
    City Fox

    I am one of those concerned as we invade the natural environments of animals who then must try to adapt to their changing world. My condo in Fort Collins, Colorado is small and nestled in a low lying area away from the noise of traffic. I like that. Outside my door is a small holding pond where wildlife such as deer, raccoons, geese, ducks herons and foxes use the pond. One morning while on a walk I discovered this fox on his search for breakfast. I watched him going in and out of the reeds until he come up on this mound, stopped to scan the area, let me take three shots and then moved on.