• clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes,  sunsets

    Edge of Wonder

    Sunset over Longs Peak

    Keep doing the things that make you feel something. Keep doing the things you’re in love with. And if you don’t know what those are just yet, step out into the world, and find them. Because everything is waiting for you.

    Victoria Erickson, Edge of Wonder

    I like her use of the word “things” as plural rather than singular. It suggests that we step out into the world to uncover things we weren’t aware we loved, or better yet things that loved us. I’m off to coffee shop.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    This Morning’s Sunrise

    Often times, a person will think they know you by piecing together tiny facts and arranging those pieces into a puzzle that makes sense to them. If we don’t know ourselves very well, we’ll mistakenly believe them, and drift toward where they tell us to swim, only to drown in our own confusion.
    Here’s the truth: it’s important to take the necessary steps to find out who you are. Because you hold endless depths below the surface of a few facts and pieces and past decisions. You aren’t only the ripples others can see. You are made of oceans.

    Victoria Erickson

  • natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  poems,  poetry,  seasons,  winter scenes

    It Is Enough

    A couple inches of wet snow fell during the night, the best kind.
    Took this on my way home from the coffee shop at Pineridge Natural Area.

    Half of me is filled with bursting words
    and half of me is painfully shy.
    I crave solitude yet also crave people.
    I want to pour life and love into everything
    yet also nurture my self-care and go gently.
    I want to live within the rush of primal, intuitive decision,
    yet also wish to sit and contemplate.

    This is the messiness of life – that we all carry multitudes,
    so must sit with the shifts.
    We are complicated creatures, and ultimately,
    the balance comes from this understanding.

    Be water.
    Flowing, flexible and soft.
    Subtly powerful and open.
    Wild and serene.
    Able to accept all changes,
    yet still led by the pull of steady tides.

    It is enough.

    Victoria Erickson

    I also experience the messiness of life she talks about in the above quote, those constant changes, challenges and especially the surprises. At this time of my life these changes and challenges are becoming more acceptable and in many ways I’m eager to face them with all the gifts and talents I’ve attained in life so far. Some of these challenges have become adventures. Not sure I would have said that 20 years ago but I do now. Hope you enjoy this quote by Victoria Erickson. I especially like this line, “I want to live within the rush of primal, intuitive decision, yet also wish to sit and contemplate.” Hope you have a great weekend!