• Black and White,  lake,  landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  quotes,  shadows,  Silver Efex Pro 2

    A Log and It’s Shadow

    Log and It’s Shadow
    Log and It’s Shadow

    Took a walk this past Sunday along the Red Fox Meadows nature trail. Mostly cloudy day but so enjoyable and much needed time in nature to clear the thinking. It also provides the exercise my body and spirit need. I find it fascinating when scenes appear that catch my attention and become an image for me. I feel like a child discovering something new. Processed this image with one of the presets in Silver EFEX Pro. Made a tone curve adjustment then posted it.

    “Nobody can discover the world for somebody else.  Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond…” Wendell Barry

  • Black and White,  Cityscapes/Urban,  quotes,  shadows,  trees

    Again, It Was the Shadows

    Early Morning Shadows
    Early Morning Shadows

    They tell me down here that they are liking this beginning of winter and the cooler temperatures. Yes the 65 degree mornings are nice but, man, it quickly gets up to 95. This Colorado lad has to rethink this. Since, I am somewhat intelligent, and please don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise, I try and get my walk in before 10:00 am.  In doing so those shadows I discover are spectacular. So, again it was shadows I was seeing this morning.

    “What is at the core of my work is, in essence, a mediation on being a human being.” – Eli Reed

  • flowers,  Plants

    Closed for the Night

    Closed for the Night
    Closed for the Night

    Plants that tuck themselves in for bedtime exhibit a natural behavior known as nyctinasty. Scientists know the mechanism behind the phenomenon: In cool air and darkness, the bottom-most petals of certain flowers grow at a faster rate than the upper-most petals, forcing the flowers shut. I’m not sure what this flower is but I encountered a dozen of them along a raised garden on a late evening walk. All of them were closed. I may have to revisit these flowers to observe and learn more about them. Hope everyone has a super awesome weekend!

  • insects,  quotes

    Walking With My Camera 


    Took my camera for a walk yesterday. All images taken with the Fujifilm 35mm f2.0 lens and handheld. Both images are 100%, or greater, crops.

    Black and White Fly
    Black and White Fly

    “Every human being needs a contemplative practice, perhaps gazing at nature in wonder, with a camera or paint brush, taking time.”

    Thomas Moore
  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  landscape,  natural areas

    A Spring Day


    What a beautiful day we had yesterday. Actually the whole weekend was all about Spring. I took a walk out at the Arapahoe Bend Nature Area. People were out walking the dog, riding bicycles and fisherman all along the banks of ponds. I talked one fisherman and he was a grinning and bragging about the bass and perch they were catching.

  • fall season,  leaves

    Frosty Morning

    Frosted Leaves
    Frosted Leaves

    They predicted the temperature to drop as low as 20 degrees last night but I did not stay up to find out. My covers were nice and warm so I slept in and what I beautiful frost nature gave us. After quiet time I bundled up and came for coffee. It actually was a nice walk with the sun shinning. Here is another image from the Big Leaf Maple I pass by each morning on my walk. Enjoy your weekend!

    No Lightroom processing. Loaded into Polarr and re-sized for the internet. Would appreciate it if you would let me know what it looks like on your monitor.