• Fujifilm X-E1,  Plants,  quotes

    A Walk Along the Ponds

    Riverbend Ponds

    “Suddenly I came out of my thoughts to notice everything around me again-the catkins on the willows, the lapping of the water, the leafy patterns of the shadows across the path. And then myself, walking with the alignment that only comes after miles, the loose diagonal rhythm of arms swinging in synchronization with legs in a body that felt long and stretched out, almost as sinuous as a snake…when you give yourself to places, they give you yourself back; the more one comes to know them, the more one seeds them with the invisible crop of memories and associations that will be waiting for when you come back, while new places offer up new thoughts, new possibilities. Exploring the world is one the best ways of exploring the mind, and walking travels both terrains.”  ― Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking

    This image was taken about a week ago while on a walk at Riverbend Ponds. It’s a jpeg file straight out of the camera. We have been dipping below zero the past few nights so walking has not been on my list of things to do. Way to cold for me. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

  • Art/Design,  Plants

    Walking with a camera


    Walking is healthy, good for the body and mind. Walking with a camera over the shoulder is good for the body and mind and a photographic tradition. I’m not one of those 3-5 mile a day walkers but I do get out and about and bring my camera. I’ve never considered walks with my camera as an assignment but I guess you can call them that. I sling it over my shoulder, no camera bag, and go looking. Some compelling images will come into the view finder this way. Maybe a table centerpiece can be seen for the first time or the shadow cast by a lamp post or piano keys. How often do you walk with your camera?

  • Metro Parks,  reptiles

    On a Morning Stroll

    On a Morning Stroll
    On a Morning Stroll

     Out for a morning stroll. He’s a bit shy, in case you hadn’t noticed, as he made sure to stay close to the plants. After a hard rain the night before there is a wonder in the air the next morning. Don’t know about you but the freshness that is around us when walking among nature after a rain sure can perk up my senses. A smile comes to my face, well maybe a smirk. Wonder if it’s the same for the turtle. Do you think he’s smiling or smirking?

    I could hear the frogs croaking along Frog Pond. I could smell the moisture and rain. I could feel the dampness in the air and in my clothes. For eye candy I had rain droplets hanging from leaves and flower petals. There were sun beams breaking through the trees. All these make for a good morning stroll.

  • Metro Parks

    Free Concert

    Concert Bench
    Concert Seating

    Rain started beating against my window around 1:00 am in the morning and continued raining until mid morning. Just after noon the blue skies started to appear and the heat/humidity started to rise. As your clothes begin to stick to your damp body you realized that you’re living in the Ohio Valley and not back in Colorado.

    In spite of the weather I decided to give myself an assignment. I walked through Blendon Woods park with only my 85mm f1.8 portrait lens.  Every so often along the trails are these benches where people can rest or you can sit while enjoying the free concert orchestrated by the birds. And what a concert it is. Hope you had a good day!

  • Photography

    Natures Favorite Color


    Green is a predominate color in our nature. Ever notice that? Well, I have and love it. When nature puts on a display of green leaves then throws in a few blossoms and flowers it can take your breath away. When nature includes cloudy skies to diffuse the light and then add a few drops of rain we have a miracle before us. Just to entice us more, nature will also add a few sweet smelling fragrances from those flowers and blossoms and the smell of rain. I like green and I’m not talking about money!

  • animals,  Metro Parks

    White-tail Deer

    White-tail Buck
    White-tail Buck

    After a delicious salmon Christmas dinner and it was such a beautiful day I took a walk in Blendon Woods Park. I came across this white-tail deer on the path leading to Thoreau Lake. He was quite a ways off and the longest focal length I had was 200mm, I gave it a try. It is surprising how long they will stand and watch you.