• architecture,  doors,  quotes

    Choosing Doors

    “In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between, there are doors.”

    William Blake

    The sun has melted the morning frost. There is still a thin layer of ice on the pond. And we never got above 40 degrees today. Gray skies now dominate so it both looks and feels cold.

    In reference to Blake’s quote, I believe that each day does offer us doors to open or close. Today I both closed and opened doors. Due to exposure yesterday to Covid I changed my travel plans to spend an early Thanksgiving this week with my dad, my two sisters and brother-in-law and instead will celebrate his 94th birthday with him in January. There is no need to put my dad in any danger at his age. I feel a sadness. I want to be with my family.

    I understand we cannot totally isolate ourselves from covid or any other virus or anyone who is indifferent to another’s safety. Nor can we protect others from any danger. I’m aware people are gathering again in large groups as if things are okay or they will be okay. I’ve heard there is now a cruise ship in Australia with almost 800 cases of COVID detected. And, I have moved back into the coffee shop routine. Aware that I am taking a risk for exposure, or worse yet, exposing someone. Yes, we have doors to choose, to open or close. I’m rethinking my stance on all this and may open fewer coffee shop doors and close a few. Just thinking out loud.

  • fall season,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons,  trees


    “The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity… and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.”

    William Blake

    The only constant is change and this morning was a prime example. It’s all worked out and been a good day. Have new chair for my bedroom that sits looking out my bay window and will use it for my quiet times, reading and journaling. Fits my buttocks! 😂 The above photo was taken on campus this past week. Love my tree friends! Now that the leaves are mostly gone we can see where the squirrels nests are. On my walk I smiled as leaves danced along side me in the wind. I am not taking my laptop to Phoenix this week so you will have a reprieve from my blog posts for four days. Have a great week.