• architecture,  Black and White,  doors,  shadows,  window

    Unit 52

    Somewhere in the Shadows
    Somewhere in the Shadows

    We have been warm in Colorado this past week but that looks to be changing the next few days. We are going to see temperatures about 10 degrees cooler and rain/thunderstorms. It is dry here so many are looking forward to any moisture. The predicted rain on Sunday may put a damper on any BBQ plans for Fathers Day. 

    Each morning as I leave for one of my coffee shops I’m given this scene of morning shadows. I usually just take a mental image, smile, and go my merry way but I’m sure I take at least one image a week of my neighbors door. 

    For the past 25 years I have done a lot of reading. There are times I have three books going at one time, which for my simple mind is probably not the wisest of decisions. I’m finding I struggle with my focus when reading, requiring the paragraph to be reread, sometimes more than once. The thought crosses my mind that I need to put all my books down for awhile. I don’t consider myself an author but then again, these journals are my books, my stories.

    “There comes a point in your life when you need to stop reading other people’s books and write your own.” Albert Einstein

  • architecture,  Cityscapes/Urban,  window

    Filled With Gratitude

    A Look and Feel of Winter
    A Look and Feel of Winter

    Not many photographs lately as the inspiration to frame and press the shutter button has not been there. I still see the scenes and look for them. This was taken back in early November near one of my coffee shops.

    I’m now sitting in a coffee shop after a busy Saturday. It’s been a day to connect with both family and friends so not much solo time, a different experience for me. But, there is a contentment within me. This past week has been a time to reflect on my life. There have been no extraordinary moments or life changing events to talk about, just life as it happens.  It has been a good year so I am filled with gratitude for the life I have. May this coming year bring joy, peace, good health into your life. Thanks for being a part of this blogging life.

  • architecture,  Black and White,  Cactus,  Candid Portraits,  Canyon De Chilly,  Cityscapes/Urban,  clouds,  coffee shops,  desert,  Documentary/Street,  flowers,  fog,  fountain pens,  Great Sand Dunes National Park,  HDR,  journal,  landscape,  lifestyles,  mountains,  National Monuments,  natural areas,  Plants,  sunrises,  sunsets

    Happy New Year!

    I do not normally post favorites of the past year as it just did not interest me. However, it is a good exercise to reflect back over the past year because we can assume nothing much happened. Reflection is wonderful so here are a couple things that happened this past year.

    I had a chronic medical problem reach a critical stage in late May and needed to have surgery. The surgery was a success and the quality of my life improved greatly.

    I did take in a couple of trips. One trip took me the Phoenix area for about 6 weeks. I did some camping on my drive down; one night in The Great Sand Dunes and one night at Canyon De Chelly National Monument. I was able to spend quality time with my parents which is always good. Then my sister and I flew down to Phoenix for Thanksgiving with family. Awesome time and way to much food consumed.

    I’m enamored again with fountain pens. Had several given to me and purchased six of my own. Now have 14 to choose from each morning when I pick up my journal. Let’s see, what color of pen and ink to want to use today is the biggest decision to start the day. 🙂

    Most of my photography seemed to be focused on the street scenes, candid portraits and fewer landscapes. I also did a few portraits. I worked more with black and white images for the year. Anyway, below are a few images I like from this past year.

    It is my hope everyone has a wonderful 2017 filled abundantly with joy, love, peace, serenity, adventure, family, friends, new beginnings and dark chocolate.

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  • architecture,  Photography

    Taking Action

    Shadows and WIndows

    Chase Jarvis interrupted me the other day. I was happily checking my google reader when I found this post. My answer to his question was: nothing. Well, actually I was sitting on my tush. I looked outside to ponder his question and saw I had maybe an hours worth of sunlight. What was I doing here? I’m not taking photos, that’s for sure. So, I put on my shoes and jacket, grabbed the camera and went for a walk. And, what did I find?

    The sky was a clear blue and long shadows were starting to stretch across the parking lot. It was cold but that didn’t seem to matter. I actually came up with 4 decent images. What was most important was that I took action to take those images. If I’d stayed at the computer I would not have seen these gifts of sunlight and shadows nor would I have had the opportunity to photograph them. Shooting is what we love. How often do we find something else to do instead of shoot?